Friday, June 28, 2002

The Trouble with Servers - Whatever it is, I had some this past week.

I'll make up for lost time this weekend, and next week. Nooooo problem.

posted by Mitch Berg 6/28/2002 06:14:20 PM

Monday, June 24, 2002

Mixed Feelings - On the one hand, it's probably good that people in government are finally figuring out that people need to know what do to in case of an emergency.

On the other hand, by the time any information gets through Washington or St. Paul, it's hard to believe any useful information will still occur. Government will tell you what it needs to to keep order first, and protect you second. In that order.

posted by Mitch Berg 6/24/2002 07:12:18 AM

  Berg's Law of Liberal Iraq Commentary:

In attacking the reasons for war, no liberal commentator is capable of addressing more than one of the justifications at a time; to do so would introduce a context in which their argument can not survive

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