
“Hunters for Gun Control”.

“Kulaks for Lenin”

“Chickens for Foxes”.

Two of those are made up.

This next one…:

…I give about 50-50.

Show me the “Republican” who supports price controls, open borders, defunding police, gun confiscation, soical decline, packing the SCOTUS, creating two new Democrat states to pack the Senate, explosive debt, and a foreign policy as firm as a Dairy Queen ice cream cone, and I’ll show you the real problem. 

4 thoughts on “Astroturf

  1. Without even reading that article, that list of issues that Republicans would/should never support is, by implication, supported by the Cheneys, McCains, the Bulwark staff, David French, and even a few NR writers are stroking their chins trying to decide. I know there is also a whole bunch more Republicans in Congress who will pretty reliably work with (aka knuckle under to) Democrat policies.

    Man, that Lopez woman is quite the little DNC syncophant.

  2. “Show me the “Republican” who supports price controls, open borders, defunding police, gun confiscation, soical decline, packing the SCOTUS, creating two new Democrat states to pack the Senate, explosive debt, and a foreign policy as firm as a Dairy Queen ice cream cone, and I’ll show you the real problem.”

    Well, we don’t support those things as such, but if we could get a cut in the capital gains tax plus an increase in visas for foreign tech workers and a public works project in my district named after me, then it might be okay, particularly if we never have to read any mean tweets. I mean, the man DID say pussy. That’s just crude. Not our class at all.

  3. A few weeks ago I listened to Charlie Cooke and David French on Charlie’s podcast.
    Charlie’s position is simple and intellectually consistent. “Neither Candidate is qualified for POTUS, therefore I won’t vote for either.”
    Charlie repeatedly pushed David on his own inconsistencies. “Trump is a Bad Orange Man and isn’t conservative enough on issues like abortion, therefore I’m voting for the least conservative option, Harris.”

    There are plenty of FORMER Republicans that are just so broken by Trump that they have become liberal Democrats, and they really squirm when you point that out.

    Even Dispatch type conservatives that come at the “Trump Issue” from a place of authentic, ideological concerns, are warped about the entire thing, though much less George Will or the Bulwark folks.

    It also goes the other direction. I have ideological issues with Trump, but I’m still voting for him. That doesn’t keep many of my own Republican allies from attacking and disparaging me when I express my concerns.

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