Just So We’re Clear…

The party that thinks women dressing in the ketchup bottle costumes from Handmaid’s Tale is utterly profoundly meaningful and not a little bit mawkish or cloying or hyperdramatic…

…has suddenly developed scruples about costume accessories?

8 thoughts on “Just So We’re Clear…

  1. I agree that the left has the majority share in hyperbolic costume posturing, but I still agree with the “make it make sense” sentiment.

    Just because they do silly things like that doesn’t mean we should do it too.

    If everyone else jumped off a cliff…

  2. I dunno, wearing a patch over your ear for an evening to show solidarity with a president who survived an assassination attempt is a world of difference from wearing dog muzzle 24/7 to virtue signal your ignorance of both science and common sense.

  3. I wasn’t a fan of the bandages, either, but if I were a J&J shareholder I’d encourage it.

  4. I’m sorry but I think you’re being kinda mean exposing Mr Akers’ stupidity. On the other hand, I suppose, it does put him in the running to be the democommie candidate for president.

  5. I remember the knitted pink pussy caps worn by lefties in 2017. Beyond stupid. Wearing an ear bandage is pretty innocuous in comparison.

  6. Excellent point, DCS. Let’s also not forget the blanketing of FB profile pictures when Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away: https://columbialawreview.org/wp-content/themes/columbia-law-review/img/svg/rbg.svg

    Handmaidens Tale
    Pink pussy hats
    RBG lace
    The famous stylized Obama red and blue Hope and Change picture from 2008
    Black flag with raised fist for the 2020 Summer of Love celebrations
    Allllllll the permutations of the rainbow flag
    There have to be other examples I am missing……..

  7. Hey kenken…psst psst…masks are worthless against aersolized virus particles, but since you’re a laser dumshit, you don’t understand the science of particle size and filtration you blithering idiot!

  8. I think the ear bandage is actually having a bit of fun, and I’d put the Ginsburg lace in the same category. I am going to show I associate with this person by doing something like them.

    The pussy hats and Handmaid’s Tale outfits are, on the other hand, more of a cheap shot. Every thinking person knows that there are very few people out there who really want to put women in shapeless garments and make them into baby factories.

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