
Chaya Raichik, of the account “Libs of TikTok”, and her seven-digit collection of followers, have gone scorched earth on social media accounts that cheered last weekend’s assassination attempt on former president Trump:

I get the urge. Perhaps more than most. I’ve had at least one job get tanked because some (very “progressive”) management found out about my alter ego life (which I have never, not once in 20 years, mentoined in a workplace. I don’t talk about politics at work – and yet I know of one contract job that didn’t get extended, notwithstanding the fact that I saved the project I was working on (long story for another time) because someone googled up some portion of my shadowy talk-radio existence and complained.

And that’s just the once I know about.  I have suspicions about other jobs. 

It was fine as far as it went – I found better jobs.  But I’m not going to say I was never angry about it. 

I never had the time, bandwidth or following to act on it like Raichik even if I had.   And Raichik has certainly endured plenty of harassment herself.  And the two of us aren’t alone.

Of course, on the right the “cultural memory” of the left’s social oppression is pretty hot and current; “cancellation”, including losing jobs, having professional license challenged, and other active harassment over quesitoning and refusing the Covid vaccine; losing jobs over photos in MAGA caps, having kids harassed because their parents were open conservatives. 

And it is a little disturbing to see some people – doctors, nurses, teachers – not only cheering on the assassination, but actively wishing the same on half the population.   It’d be great to help them recognize how stupid and evil they are being.

But this? 

This is pretty much the definition of “punching down”.

I’ve had a policy on this blog from the beginning; I don’t go after peoples (non-elective) day jobs – and I am absolutely hands-off their families. 

Does that make me a better person than those that don’t have those scruples?

Yes.  Absolutely.

Has it deterred people going after me, my job and family?  Well, not all of them.  I don’t have the means to scorched-earth them all.  WIth some, its irrelevant.  With others?  Karma’s a bitch.  But I’m the one that has to live with myself. 


8 thoughts on “Shards

  1. Just saw a post on FB calling out a program director at Uber. I’ll see how they handle it.

    I blame the media for ginning up the rhetoric, turning us against each other. The saddest part? The type of people that do this crap, are the same ones that believe everything the media spews out. Kinda like some other population in the late 30s to the mid 40s.

    Orange Girl Jen Psaki espoused that she is afraid for the backlash on journalists. Well, Don Junior verbally kicked an idiotic MSDNC reporter‘s butt and after Amber Rose’s speech at the RNC was savaged by Joyless Reid, found out the Ms. Rose hits back!

    Finally, we have seen how MAGA Republicans responded to Trump’s assassination attempt. They started rioting, tipping over and burning cop cars and…Oh! Wait! They didn’t do anything but offer prayers and contribute over $5 million for the other victims of the deep state sniper.

  2. Yea, my sympathy meter must be broken.

    The left has proclaimed that Trump and his supporters are an “existential threat” to this country.

    Words mean things. What that means is that they see us as a threat to the very existence of the nation.

    If we’re the enemy then that means they’re at war with us and this is nothing more than a case of our side turning their own tactics…tactics that they invented, perfected and deployed…back on them, in prosecution of that war.

    Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

    As far as I’m concerned, it’s about time we started taking their threats seriously. Too bad they had to literally take a shot at our Presidential candidate, murder an innocent bystander and seriously injure two more to wake us up.

    And before you say “that cashier at Home Depot didn’t shoot at anyone”…she overtly supported the act and cheered it on. She might as well have pulled the trigger herself.

  3. I’m tempted to rat on that neighbor friend of my Gal who said shit like this. I know where she works. She’s an internist at a dental office.

  4. I have not touched FB since this assassination attempt. And I certainly hope none of my ‘friends’ have posted idiocy online. If they have, we are no longer friends AT-ALL!

  5. For the last 10 years or so I’ve deliberately kept my Facebook feed 97% politics-free. Life’s too short, and why take up even a moment of it to post a rant, trenchant as it may be, that won’t change anyone’s mind?

    I’ve also never unfriended anyone for their political posts, noxious as they may be.

    Until this week. Because life is too short.

  6. People on the right should do what they’re comfortable doing (that’s one of Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals), but don’t be surprised if/when people of the right start trying to collect on the YouOweMes strewn about by the DemoCommies over the last 20, 30 years.

    Ms Raichik is a great example. When it first came out, Libs of Tiktok was mostly a fun and funny place to read about DemoCommie hypocrisy and lies. And then, it became not so much fun. Ms Raichik’s name was outed. And that stupid bint, Taylor Lorenz from WashPost, showed up at her door. I won’t deny that my shiny new hammer, deniable intimidation, has been getting a workout over the last 24 hours, but the message of that visit was, if I can find your home, someone maybe not so harmless can too.

    To Ms Raichik’s credit, god bless her, she declared war and became even more energetic at exposing the hypocrisies and lies of the DemoCommies.

  7. Night-Rider, me too. Never. I used to go off on Global Warming crapola (as I am a meteorologist and have more insight than general public) but it got heated, my BP would raise as well as anxiety. I had no time for that any longer. I had a lot of supporters but just made for bad days and worrying about what was being posted. I never peruse FB in a general sense any longer and only post my music I write and record and some interesting/nice photos I take. But even that has become more rare. I just can-not-stand-social-media!

  8. The thought occurred to me this morning about things like this that if your hatred of political opponents–ones who have committed no violent crimes–is so great that you want to kill them, then you need to get yourself to a doctor, optimally a psychiatrist, and get that organ between your ears checked out.

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