
ENTIRE LGBT COMMUNITY: “Don’t you dare use tired stereotypes of “Groomers” and “Chicken Hawks” to refer to our community! We do not target children!”

ALSO THE LGBT COMMUNITY: (referring to a proposal in the California Assembly that would make soliciting a minor for prostitution a felony):

I’d normally fill in a pithy punch line here, but there truly is none.

9 thoughts on “Advertent

  1. There was (is?) a brilliant parody Twitter/X account of a left-wing woke woman, Titania McGrath. Cleverly written to push the limit of Poe’s Law to its utmost, it frequently poses propositions that “angrily” sound plausible but are nonsense if you think about them.

    I see that Sarah Jane Winfoot has asked Titania McGrath to hold her beer.
    – Greta Thunberg is the prophet we don’t deserve.
    – Michelle Obama is absolutely correct. Black Lives Matter is not only an American movement, but a philosophy to live by. To call or imply that is it some violent movement is just plain racist.
    – Cori [Bush] is absolutely right. Democrats owe a debt to the Blacks that can never be repaid. We must stand together as Democrats to make amends for our past transgressions. Reparations Now!
    – Of course the far-right would attack us for believing in equity. As Democrats, we have always believed in equal separation of the races. Study Phrenology, the Civil Rights and Abortion Movement, the Civil War, and even the Founding — Democrats were there every step of the way!
    – Hakeem Jeffries is absolutely right. Shame on CBS for spreading misinformation. It is, in fact, the case:
    — Inflation is lower under Biden.
    — Real average weekly earnings are up.
    — Gas prices are lower than when Biden took office.

  2. Read the subtext

    Instead of passing a law, funnel money into our pockets, er, sorry for the malapropism, we meant funnel money into our programs

  3. It almost seems that since Obergefell, the alphabet community has been on a kick to confirm a lot of the worst stereotypes about them, including things from the 1960s. It takes a special kind of sick, moreover, to oppose felony charges for those who participate in the child sex trade. Ten years is nowhere near long enough in jail for those who victimize teens that way.

  4. Thinking a little bit more, prostitution is the main cause of HIV infection in the country after male-male sex and IV drug use (and is linked to these). Maybe solicitation of prostitutes ought to be a felony in general, and not just when minors are involved. You’ve also got the reality of basic sex slavery involved, since a lot of prostitutes are not there voluntarily.

    Side note; did anyone else see that Kamala Harris more or less endorsed the decriminalization of prostitution? So we have our first African-American Vice President coming out IN FAVOR of slavery, more or less. Go figure.

  5. Yup Greg! you are exactly right. The victims don’t generate a dough stack for them.
    but man oh man they can get that sweet, sweet government lucre by focusing on the degenerate who is simply the product of a corrupt system.

  6. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 07.12.24 : The Other McCain

  7. That’s the exact opposite of what the phrase “The soft bigotry of low expectations” means, though I subscribe to the theory that it’s not soft bigotry but explicit bigotry.

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