Compare And Contrast


..,and chaser:

I’m sure Minneapolis will have ballot vending machines for at least a while in September and October.

4 thoughts on “Compare And Contrast

  1. I’m sure Minneapolis will have ballot vending machines for at least a while in September and October. – Good one!

  2. I doubt vending machines dispense the belt-fed ball ammo shown in the photo in the tweet. That photo looks like machine gun ammo to me and even in Alabama, that’s not something you buy from a vending machine. I suspect the tweeter chose an inflammatory photo to make a political statement rather than a factual statement by showing the company’s video here:

    Still not sure how facial recognition and ID check work in a stand-alone machine. If it’s connected to the internet, is the information instantly forwarded to the government database of domestic terrorists? I don’t like that idea, but I noticed the clerk scanning my driver’s license at the check out line at Cabellas so maybe it’s already happening and I just didn’t realize it?

    As for selling ammo in a convenience store, it happens all over the South. When I visited a relative stationed at the Marine base in Jacksonville, the store nearest his apartment sold gas, a few groceies, ice cream, soda, snacks, beer, live bait, fishing nets, ammo (in person) and condoms. Truly a ‘convenience’ store for any need. The only thing they didn’t sell was hard liquor because at the time, the state had a monopoly on it at the ABC store.

  3. Regarding Narcan vending, if there’s no cost, I would expect most of the product to be gone very quickly, and then used by people who want to go as close to the edge as they can. My overall thought is that if someone starts carrying the stuff around who is using the drugs, it’s not time to compliment them on their responsibility. It’s time for an intervention and to ask why they’re using.

    This move is probably going to cost, not save, lives.

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