Open Letter To A Future Honest US Or MN Attorney General

To: Hypothetical Attorney General (Federal or State)
From: Mitch Berg, Irascible Peasant
Re: Opportunity

Mr./Ms. Hypothetical Future Attorney General,

Looking at this:

…and this:

I’ve got to ask – what’s it going to take to get the MNDFL into a RICO investigation?

If they’re not racketeering, I’m not sure who is.

That is all.

10 thoughts on “Open Letter To A Future Honest US Or MN Attorney General

  1. It is interesting that crime in the metro is so bad that federal laws are being violated such that the US DA is involved. In effect, it is inadvertently doing the job that HennCo’s DA should be.

    On the other hand, since the DemoCommies have shown that they will literally do anything to get and retain power, any activities that might reduce that power are to be avoided. Just look at what they’re willing to do to retain power in MI. As such, I don’t expect any 5AM visits by the FBI to Ms Mueller’s residence nor any other action that may make the DemoCommies look bad.

    PS I read that the Trump campaign is opening an office in MN. Would that be considered election tampering and thus, something that Steve Simon could look into? Perhaps even arrest Trump?

  2. JDM,
    As deep blue as Minneapolis is, I don’t think Simon and Ellison could bring the case in a 90/10 District like Manhattan. It’d be almost impossible to get a jury without a single Trump voter without being completely and blatantly political with jury selection. Something that bad would void any claims of Immunity when Trump sues in Federal Court over the violation of Constitutional Rights.
    Minneapolis is bad, but not bad enough to do that while maintaining the plausible deniability about their corruption.

  3. The DFL is waiting for sentencing. When Trump is given a felony sentence, then they’ll demand his name be stricken from the ballot because a convicted felon can’t hold public office.

    Never-Trumpers will write stern editorials expressing grave doubts about the Republican Party’s authority to endorse a convicted felon. Some RINO will sue to demand the Secretary of State substitute an acceptable alternate on the ballot.

    Keith Ellison’s office, representing the Secretary of State, will resist the lawsuit on the grounds it’s too late to change, but Trump’s not eligible, so nobody should be listed as the Republican candidate.

    The Court of Appeals will spend 20 pages explaining why Trump is unfit for office and should be stricken from the ballot but declare the choice of candidate a political issue and decline to rule, passing the buck to the Supreme Court of Minnesota.

    Plenty of ways to steal the election without locking up the opposition candidate. Besides, why bother? New York will do that for us.

  4. SSC, I was pretty much just being sarcastic – I thought it was dryly obvious – but explaining how my sarcasm is probably wrong is where we as a country have arrived. For me, after the sexual harassment lawsuits and his prosecution by Fat Alvin, I really have trouble seeing much if any limits on DemoCommie judicial shenanigans.

    On a lighter note – I think – Babylon Bee is reporting that Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients.

  5. it is inadvertently doing the job that HennCo’s DA should be.


    My hunch: It’s utterly advertent. Let the feds do the dirty work so the progressive/DSA base doesn’t picket your office.

  6. with a superfecta in place(Governor, House, Senate, & Attorney General) do not look for any action or even inquiry in to the actions of Frau Mueller.

    The only hope for any reckoning with Frau Mueller is if one of the Feeding Our Future defendants can provide direct evidence of her collusion in the fraud, otherwise she is home free with a sinecure in the NGO realm.

    Go back and review the voir dire for the Chauvin trial – it is exactly what you posit can’t happen with jury selection – a lot of people are studying that trial for precisely that reason(picking an overtly biased jury in open court)

  7. Minnesota has fully funded education to the point where it gives millions away to scammers – while the State’s educational ranking has fallen to 19th in the nation and barely 60% of 4th and 8th graders are reading and doing math at grade level.

    This is how you raise up future generations of perfect DFL voters with limited reading and comprehension skills and an automatic glassy-eyed response to anything dealing with numbers (such as budgets and tax rates) as “too hard”.

  8. This is how you raise up future generations of perfect DFL voters with limited reading and comprehension skills and an automatic glassy-eyed response to anything dealing with numbers (such as budgets and tax rates) as “too hard”.

    “Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking. They want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.”

    ― George Carlin

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