You’ve Got To Destroy Democracy To Save It

Brazil is going through an exaggerated version of the US’s current gyrations; between a “right wing” leader who, the expert class told us, “is going to destroy democracy“, to a left-wing oligarch who is actually destroying democracy in the name of “saving democracy”.

In particular, they – and their American, Democrat party (and American big-media allies) are trying to crush free speech, to, er…


…”save” it.

Michael Shellenberger is on the front lines. Expand the tweet to read the whole thing:

Berg’s Seventh Law in action; the party that is (or was) the first to bleat about McCarthyism, is the McCarthyist party:

“Mr. Shellenberger,” [Rep. Kamlager-Dove, D-CA] said to me yes or no? Is it true that you have repeatedly published false information that defamed public figures who are dedicated to combating disinformation?”…

Long story short:

Remember this when NPR yaps about their “disinformation” efforts.

3 thoughts on “You’ve Got To Destroy Democracy To Save It

  1. Well, a Castro railing against free speech, makes sense. He’s probably one of Fidel’s relatives.

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 05.09.24 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

  3. I like how Congressman Castro points to the past as justification for what Brazilian President Lula is doing today. Hey, that’s the “tu quoque” fallacy, and all it proves is that Castro is either unable or unwilling to come up with a real argument. He does not address the central issue at all–Lula’s suppression of contrary viewpoints.

    Kamlager-Dove does him one better by engaging in a simple personal attack. Awesome stuff. I’m so glad the progressive left apparently slept through logic class, or possibly view the fallacies of informal logic as a “how to” guide.

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