Your Periodic Reminder…

…that Ilhan Omar is a truly reprehensible person:

But hey, if you live in CD5 [1], feel free to vote for her, whether you are pro-corruption, graft and antisemitism, or against it.

[1] Or are buried within the borders of CD5

8 thoughts on “Your Periodic Reminder…

  1. The more outrageous Ilham Omar’s behavior is, the more her supporters can revel in their tolerance.

    It is an interesting arrangement to say the least.

  2. Democrats keep using that word, “genocide.” I don’t think they mean what the word actually means.

    In their lexicon, “genocide” means “fighting back when we want you dead.”

  3. Unfortunate linkage to Jonathan Greenblatt, also a truly reprehensible person.

  4. Well, at least one house Dem is calling her out. Florida Rep Jared Moskowitz accuses her of “throwing gasoline on the fire”, with her comments and claims. Along with NY GOP Rep Mike Lawler, they introduced a bill to essentially smack her down. Moskowitz be clowned himself a couple of months ago by parading around congress in a Putin mask, but I support him here.

    The GOP is also calling for revoking the student visas of any of these “protesters”. I’m wondering who paid for all of the pro Palestine hoodies and identical green tents that are being passed out to them?

  5. What do you suppose “From the river to the sea” refers to? More than a little projection going on here.

  6. <Unfortunate linkage to Jonathan Greenblatt, also a truly reprehensible person.

    JDM, I think this is a case of “the enemy of my enemy is my conditional friend”

    Well, at least one house Dem is calling her out. Florida Rep Jared Moskowitz…

    JDM and BH429: Still one of the greatest mysteries in modern times: How any Jewish person, especially since last Oct 7th, can remain a democrat.

    Whoever can figure that mystery out should be a shoe-in for one of the more worthless Nobel prizes.

  7. Bill C, while there is conditional verity in your phrase, Greenblatt isn’t worth it; he’ll stab you in the back the first chance he gets. From a search on his name at Instapundit:
    PROF. JACOBSON: I’ve been speaking out against ADL since before it was cool to speak out against ADL. “Now everyone is talking about ADL. But I’ve been speaking out against ADL for years, frustrated how ADL took a good purpose – fighting antisemitism – and weaponized it for leftist political purposes under Jonathan Greenblatt. It will be interesting to see where the ADL-Twitter (X) dustup goes. But one thing is beyond doubt, Greenblatt needs to go.”

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