Ire On Cue

A “plan” for a “masjid [mosque]-centered development” in Lino Lakes dropped into the chat this week.

And it’s generating the usual clouds of ire from the usual suspects.

I’ve got my suspicions. We’ll come back to that. First (with emphasis added):

Construction on the project is allegedly “expected to begin Fall of 2025.” However, the City of Lino Lakes released a statement on the project saying they have “not received a land use application for this development at this time. No review has been undertaken and no approvals have been granted.”

Should Madinah Lakes be constructed, it would be located “approximately 1.5 miles east of Lexington Ave on the south side of Main Street” in Lino Lakes, with Olson’s Market to the north and The Tavern on Main to the west.

In other words, like a lot of big real estate development proposals, it’s vapor.

In fact, very vapoeous:

Zikar Holdings, the corporation reportedly developing Madinah Lakes, is registered with the Office of the Secretary of State (OSS).

The website for Zikar Holdings states that the corporation specializes “in transforming land into sustainable and inviting spaces where families can flourish and individuals can thrive.” The corporation also says it has “a proven track record spanning over 10 years.”

However, Zikar Holdings only registered with the Secretary of State in December of 2023, and no completed projects are listed on Zikar Holdings’ website. Instead, the company promotes the pending Lino Lakes development and references future projects in Rochester and St. Cloud.

So – let’s recap:

  1. Vaporware development…
  2. …with an Islam-centered vibe
  3. …in the north suburbs.

I’ve got suspicions.

Development Of Convenience: As we noted last week, Democrats are nervous about their polling heading to the fall election. They are particularly concerned about holding onto:

  • The various suburban seats that went for Trump in 2016, that they won by paper-thin margins in 2022.
  • A Muslim voter base that is not happy about President Potato trying to split the baby on Gaza, and a far left base that is using that to leverage the larger Democrat party.

If you’re Ken Martin, you have to be thinking that they can’t overturn Roe again, the Biden Administration isn’t going to cough up any positive surprises, Trump’s personality is a stranger to nobody, that if he didn’t suspend the Constitution and declare himself dictator in 2020 he’s not going to do it in 2025, and that most people outside the NPR class are keenly aware they’re not doing better than they were in 2019.

So what’s the wedge that’ll logroll gullible Democrat-susceptible voters to the polls?

Lots of “They’ll BAN ABORTION” for the white progs. And lots of “LOOK HOW MUCH THEY HATE YOU” to the Muslims.

And nothing shores up Democrat wall like trafficking in intersectional victimhood.

One thought on “Ire On Cue

  1. Developer: “We can’t submit a land use application because it would require our names. If our names got out, that could lead to Death Threats. But I can guarantee you this – the development is gonna bring jobs, and families, and expand the tax base – it’s gonna be Yuge! And Mexico will pay for it!”

    Somali American newspaper headline: “White Supremacists doxx Muslims, death threats. Vote Democrat.”

    Keith Ellison: “I am filing a lawsuit charging the entire community of Lino Lakes with violation of the Minnesota Human Rights Act. Vote Democrat.”

    Governor Klink: “I am calling a special session of the legislature to take back control of local planning and zoning from hateful bigots. Vote Democrat.”

    House Majority Leader Hortman: “I am authoring legislation to fund this important project under the Feed the Children program, which experience giving boatloads of money to Muslims. Vote Democrat.”

    Wonder if we can get Ilhan to fly in for a rally? Maybe John Thompson can join her in threatening to burn down people’s houses?

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