The Case For Letting The Mainstream Media Burn To The Ground

This – letting major but utterly corrupted institutions burn to the ground – is becoming kind of a theme, isn’t it?

OK – so read this entire AP piece on the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley.

And when you do, tell us what’s missing:


No mention that the alleged murderer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, was an illegal alien with a rap sheet as long as a Walgreens receipt.

It’s almost like someone wants this sort of thing – unrestricted illegal immigration by people whom no country wants – to be the norm.

Somone, like…:

“hEeY! ThaT’S fRoM sIX yEArS aGO!” Yes, and now she’s the Senate Majority Leader, and arguably (!) more powerful than the Governor whose shock collar remote her “progressive” movement controls. Think she’s changed?

So many institutions.

So little fire.

7 thoughts on “The Case For Letting The Mainstream Media Burn To The Ground

  1. That’s arrested Athens resident Jose Antonio Ibarra. Geez.

    And then, AP helpfully includes these tips.
    Running groups and women’s forums have offered tips on how women can try to stay safer while exercising: Run during daylight hours or with a friend; avoid headphones; carry pepper spray or a whistle; make sure your phone is charged; mix up running routes; inform a friend of your whereabouts and check in with them when you’re done.

    Nothing about carrying a real force equalizer (aka a handgun).

    Of course, these helpful tips imply that it’s women, the victims, who need to stop wearing such short skirts…, er, oops, sorry… stop assuming that they can naively run carefree wherever they want. Because the fact is that the Biden regime and all its DemoCommie vassals – the preferred choice of most young female voters – are not finished turning the country into a third-world shith0le. You know, avoiding the obvious solutions, like arresting and sending back illegal aliens (aka criminals) and/or incarcerating them for long sentences.

  2. Yes, it’s horrendous that they’re not mentioning that the accused is an illegal with a mile long rap sheet, and it’s also horrendous that the supposed “criminal justice” professor from Boulder (where else?) is stating that men need to be taught not to assault women, as if that would help.

    News flash; normal men don’t go out for a walk, or to the health club, saying “hey, I wonder who I can kill today.” And of all people, a criminal justice professor ought to know things like this, and that for this reason, “education” really doesn’t work. They’ve already chosen to disregard the rules of society. Criminal justice professors also ought to know that you can actually pull up crime maps and consult them for where you might go running.

    I did on, and found that the area in question was one of the most dangerous areas of Athens, which is 85th percentile in murder rate in the country. It’s not Gary or Detroit, but it’s not where I live, either. Long and short of it is that what Athens needs to do is better investigations of crimes, punishment of crimes, and yes, deportation of illegal immigrants who commit serious crimes. If the man had been in jail or returned to Mexico, this woman would have been alive today.

  3. A right-wing kook might suggest that in a First World, high-trust society, a young woman Should be able to go jogging without fear of attack, without needing pepper spray or a vicious dog, without the accompaniment of a male relative. That’s the purpose of a civilized society – to guarantee personal liberty while maintaining public order.

    A wiser Liberal (and not a few RINO) journalist would scoff that sentiment comes from a place of White Privilege. The dead woman was running on land stolen from the Indians which makes her a colonizer, same as the Israeli women who were raped and murdered by Hamas. As members of the genocidal class, they deserved it. So did she. The true victims here are the oppressed, not the oppressers. It’s the journalist’s job to speak truth to power and that’s why we must not get distracted by irrelevencies such as the identity of the people who gave those colonizers what they deserved.

    Which explains why we don’t need to bother burning down the major media. They’re doing it themselves.

  4. Crap, forgot about the moderation program’s word fetish. Try again:

    A right-wing kook might suggest that in a First World, high-trust society, a young woman Should be able to go jogging without fear of attack, without needing pepper spray or a vicious CANINE, without the accompaniment of a male relative. That’s the purpose of a civilized society – to guarantee personal liberty while maintaining public order.

    A wiser Liberal (and not a few RINO) journalist would scoff that sentiment comes from a place of White Privilege. The dead woman was running on land stolen from the Indians which makes her a colonizer, same as the Israeli women who were raped and murdered by Hamas. As members of the genocidal class, they deserved it. So did she. The true victims here are the oppressed, not the oppressers. It’s the journalist’s job to speak truth to power and that’s why we must not get distracted by irrelevencies such as the identity of the people who gave those colonizers what they deserved.

    Which explains why we don’t need to bother burning down the major media. They’re doing it themselves.

  5. Which explains why we don’t need to bother burning down the major media. They’re doing it themselves.

    The only problem is Soros and other left wing billionaires keep putting out the fires by buying media companies, and not caring that they’re throwing millions or billions of dollars into a whirlpool of bad investments.

  6. Ahhh, the timing of this piece is perfect for me, as I was just in a fender bender with a “licensed illegal immigrant”. Let’s see….nice Audi SUV, expired tabs, and total disregard for traffic laws. Didn’t speak a word, maybe he couldn’t. Got his info and he just took off.

    I’m sitting here now trying not to be angry. But it is hard. Really hard.

  7. OK, just did a touch more thinking about the “Ski U” professor’s thoughts, and it occurred to me that she’s basically assuming that the malignance that shows itself in murder is simply the tail of a curve that includes “emotional abuse” (basically insults/personal attacks), mild physical abuse, and major physical abuse. But in this case, not applicable, because there’s no known relationship between the two–it is just a random attack.

    And even if there were a relationship, it’s worth noting that the “domestic violence inventory” flags 61% of all people (male and female) on each of six factors, meaning that most likely 90% or above of people are “at moderate or higher risk.” In other words, it’s a serious slippery slope fallacy, because only 2-3% of people ever hurt anyone badly enough to require medical attention, and only 0.05% actually kill.

    In other words, a chief reason we’re not making progress on these kinds of things is because the models used are not representative of actual human behavior. Ouch.

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