Social Participation Trophy

“Dozens” [1] of Government workers are going to show Israel what-for by…


…skipping three meals:

To be fair, skipping three meals [2] is arguably a bigger commitment to one’s cause than, say, a “stolen land declaration” or some other such frippery.

If I were covering the story, I’d ask how many of the “dozens” [1] had scheduled colonoscopies, cholesterol tests or lipid panels for the next day.

[1] How many “dozens”? Two? Three? Eight?

[2] That’s presuming they actually complete the, er, “protest”.

3 thoughts on “Social Participation Trophy

  1. Too bad there isn’t a federal law prohibiting federal employees from using the authority of their federal jobs to agitate for change in federal policy. We could name it after some famous federal official, maybe Carl Hatch of New Mexico.

    Call it the “Hatch Act.”

  2. Not mentioned in the post is that these workers will show up at work either dressed in black or wearing ‘keffiyeh scarves or other symbols of Palestinian solidarity’.

    So, dozens (out of thousands) will go without lunch while wearing black. Man, that’s commitment.

    PS, good call, Bigman.

  3. So, in other words, they’re going to do what I usually do at least once a week?

    My heart bleeds for them.

    Now, if they’d actually copy me and do actual productive WORK 6 or 7 days a week that would be more impressive.

    But yeah, here’s a lollipop kids, now run along and play at being important.

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