“Regrettably Unbecoming”

Listen to this clip of a speech from Ilhan Omar.

No, seriously.

But when you read the translation of this speech, in your mind, translate it into German, or at least repeat the words in iyour mind, or out loud, in a German accent.

Tell the truth – doesn’t it sound like a clip from Trumph of the Will?

No, not the bit about representing Somalis in America; in politics, you dance with the ones that brung you.

And no, I don’t care that she’s talking Somali. She’s talking to a Somali audience. Latino Republicans talk Spanish at rallies. Back when there were German and Norwegian speaking towns, politicians spoke those languages. I don’t care.

No, it’s just that you can all but hear he say “Blut und Boden” if you listen just right.

“Heeeeeey, you conservatives are pouncing!”

Conservatives…like the Somali deputy foreign minister?

We are pouncing.

God knows the Strib won’t.

5 thoughts on ““Regrettably Unbecoming”

  1. I don’t know why you bother. The bint is a criminal and fraudulently holds her citizenship. Nothing happened. What she is saying is calculated to get the exact effect that every non-DemoCommie is providing her. She is reveling in your anger, your annoyance. Nothing will happen because there will be lots of DemoCommies like that fat clown in the “art show” report from channel 9 who will be happy to excuse the whole thing and play that race card. And then what?

  2. I can’t take her seriously since I heard this joke:

    What did Ilhan’s husband say when he learned she was cheating on him?

    “I’m telling Mom!”

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 01.30.24 (Morning Edition) : The Other McCain

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