
The Strib ran this story:

Fact-Check: Governors Flanagan and Klink tell us that Minnesota’s…er, “One Minnesota’s” economy has never been better.

And Brandonomics, we are constantly told, is breaking records.

So, clearly, the myth is busted.

3 thoughts on “Fact-Check

  1. DemoCommies destroy everything they touch and get away with it scot-free. Every time, everywhere.

    I assume someone, somewhere is working on proving that it’s all Trump’s fault.

  2. jdm,
    They keep trying to do that. Every pathetic, lying DemoCommie has their mantra and continue with their TDS.

  3. Fact-Check: Governors Flanagan and Klink tell us that Minnesota’s…er, “One Minnesota’s” economy has never been better.

    And it is.

    Isn’t the non-profit/industrial complex a major and vital component of the Minnesota economy?


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