I Come Not To Praise The Atlantic, But To Pelt It With Rocks And Garbage

Old and Busted: “The rising tide raises all boats”

New Flava: “Decline and stagnation is not just good – it’s courageous

6 thoughts on “I Come Not To Praise The Atlantic, But To Pelt It With Rocks And Garbage

  1. Sorry, I haven’t had my coffee yet so perhaps there’s something subtle here I don’t get… whenever I see a stupid headline and/or article, I like to see what the author looks like, so I looked up the article above. It’s not real.

    I mean, given the last 15 years of Obama adoration and Trump hatred, I didn’t doubt that the article exists, especially considering what a regular writer Atlantic, Tom Nichols (Tim’s brother 😉 has written, but in this case, no.

  2. Sad thing is, it’s totally believable amidst calls to achieve unicorn-like goals such as 50% of all cars on the road being EVs or eliminating meat from our diets by mis-century or sooner.

  3. JDM, the tweet is from this week. The Reuters fact check is from July of 2022. IIRC, that’s about the same time our betters redefined “Recession.”

  4. After Googling the article AND the byline, though, I can’t find the article or the author.
    I didn’t see verification that the tweeter is a parody account.

    And I apparently should’ve read more than the first paragraph from Reuters. The article title is listed, even if I didn’t see the screenshot being fact checked.

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