Just Remember…

The DFL will repeatedly and systematically cheat in their own elections.

But no way, no how in everyone else’s.

Sheesh. What are you, some kind of Cheetoh-haired Literal Hitler?

9 thoughts on “Just Remember…

  1. Even tho’ Mitch reads Deena Winter so you don’t have to, I strongly recommend reading the linked to article. The (electoral) situation in Mpls is far worse than you can imagine and Winter does a nice job of exposing it. Think about it. The FBI is investigating – that implies a federal crime – and has been for years.

  2. It can only be called cheating on the local level, on the state or national level, it is “saving democracy”.

  3. They know what is best for you, even when they are counting on your votes to get the job. Great to know.

  4. There was no cheating. The election wasn’t stolen, it was fortified by the Good People to prevent it from being stolen by the Bad People. It’s the only way to protect Our Precious Democracy.

    The Bad People who lost deserved to lose, because they are not only Bad, they are slackers besides. If they don’t like losing, they should get off their duffs and organize, get out the voters, drum up support, convince their friends and neighbors to vote for Bad People and when the Good People announce the Bad People were defeated again, the Bad People should lose gracefully.

    Because that’s how the Freest and Fairest elections are done nowadays. Everybody knows that.

  5. Of course they are cheating in their own elections; that’s where the power in Minnesota is. All in the DFL will fight and claw with each other to become King (or Queen) Rat. Once that is achieved the coronation is merely sanctified by defeating whatever Trembling Chihuahua the Republicans put forward.

  6. The DFL Party, including the DFL Secretary of State, knowingly allowed individuals to register to vote using a UPS store in Minneapolis as their home address. That lasted until Rep. Phyllis Kahn faced an Endorsement challenger. Marking that address as an ineligible address in the State’s voter registration system only got Phyllis 1 more term in office.

    A personal favorite was the picture of the DFL Convention that posted a voter ID requirement at the doors.

  7. Once that is achieved the coronation is merely sanctified by defeating whatever Trembling Chihuahua the Republicans put forward.

    That is amazing, NW. I just about spit out my coffee when I read that!

  8. I remember Ilhan Omar’s MN house primary against Phyllis Kahn. Phyllis wanted all attendees to the primary to show their DLs to prove residency in the district. She figured the Somalis would come from all over Mpls to vote for Omar.

    AND didn’t I also see some Somali guy actually admitting on camera that he bought ballots from the Somali high-rises on the West Bank of Mpls?? Ellison did nothing.

    AND didn’t I also see some pushing and shoving among Somalis at a Mpls council endorsement meeting?

    Yes, the DFL has been corrupt but the Somali’s bring a new level of corrupt pathology to the process.

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