8 thoughts on “A Real American Hero

  1. Yup! Me, too.

    That same scenario played out back when a bunch of miscreant SJWs were blocking the entrance to I-94 in St. Paul. Of course, the left wing propaganda media, didn’t show those altercations, because it was black on black and whiteys pretending they were black. In the cases that I saw, it was black women getting out of cars and shoving the losers, screaming for them to get out of the way. This crap will stop the first time one of these losers cost someone their life and the family files charges and sues the crap out of them.

  2. ^ I don’t see that, boss.There have been multiple instances in which the rights of (DemoCommie) protesters superseded the rights of normal folks going all the way back to the St George of Floyd riots (and beyond).

    This activity all rests on decisions made by DemoCommies in the justice system pretending to protect the protesters’ first amendment rights. But just put one anti-abortion protester in silent prayer across the street from an abortion clinic…

  3. I kind of agree, jdm, but if the circumstances are right, i.e. a black family loses their beloved mother, due to a delay in getting her to the ER by protesters.

  4. What boss says. Even apart from the question of whether blocking the streets on behalf of Hamas is going to persuade people to support them, extremely dubious, there is the issue that it’s darned hard to get people to the hospital and such in the big city in the best situations, and blocking the streets can be lethal. One example; didn’t it take 5-10 minutes for the paramedics to get to George Floyd? If they’d been able to get there in a minute or two with a couple of doses of Narcan, the man might well still be alive.

    (or if the police had it in their cruisers and knew how/when to use it)

    The left needs to learn that yes, they have the right to protest, but they do not have the right to prevent people from getting to work, get medical care, and the like. Other peoples’ rights matter too.

  5. Scene: Democrat party local office

    Person 1: “Okay, settle down. We’ve all seen the video. What are we doing to do about it?”

    Person 2: “It was attempted murder. I was afraid for my life. The driver wantonly and recklessly endangered the public. The DA must file charges.”

    Person 1: “Wait, you were there? I thought you were on phones that day?”

    Person 2: “I was traumatized by the video. I’m too emotional to work.”

    Person 3 muttering: “So no change, then.”

    Person 4: “I say we doxx the driver, lean on his employer to fire him, set up a picket line at his wife’s workplace, use bullhorns to shout at their daughters on the way home from school, and see if we can’t get a State Rep to threaten to burn down their house. That worked last time.”

    Person 1: “Did you notice the driver is Black? And the video has, like, 50 million likes? Is going after a popular Black man really the smartest thing we can do?”

    Person 2: “How about flagging the video so they take it down? No video, it didn’t happen. Problem solved.”

    Person 3: “I just have to ask – should we do anything at all? I mean, the driver is right, we Were blocking traffic and it Is illegal. Are we the bad guys here?”

    Persons 1, 2 and 4 recoil in horror: “Heretic! Get out, you Nazi!”

    end scene

  6. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 01.10.23 : The Other McCain

  7. The left needs to learn that yes, they have the right to protest, but they do not have the right to prevent people from getting to work, get medical care, and the like. Other peoples’ rights matter too.

    Somewhere, I recently saw someone express their mentality of the narcissism of disruptive protest: “We inconvenience people in the hopes that they will contact their legislators and push them to change the laws to our wishes. If they would do that, and the legislators would change the laws to our wishes, we would stop inconveniencing people.”

    Never considering that the more they piss off people, the less people will support their cause-du-jour. Eventually, the people who are inconvenienced will start retaliating, especially if they are getting no support from law enforcement/government. It’s a fine line to tread, however. Say a person is surrounded by a protest and starts driving their car thru the crowd. Very little would happen in MN and most blue states, to protestors who damage the car, or go so far as to pull the person out of their car and injure them. However, if the driver runs over 1 or more protestors, and causes injures or death(s), the full weight of the blue state government will rain down upon them.

    Hence rule zero of carrying in MN: Try to avoid situations and places where the need to defend yourself could arise.

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