A Small Win

Mia Schem is a 21 year old Israeli who was kidnapped at the Nova EDM festival on October 7, after her arm was mangled by a terrorist with an AK.

She tells her story on Israeli TV.

I’m trying to imagine a 21 year old American of either (any?) gender responding to 55 days of psychological and physical torture like this:

In fact, given the number of Zoomers who are siding with “Palestine”, it’d seem they’ve been programmed out of this sort of resilience.

4 thoughts on “A Small Win

  1. But Mitch, Hamas hired a veterinarian to treat her. Probably the same one as on Better Call Saul.

  2. There is a billboard on southbound Hwy 52 at Concord exit saying: “Lets be clear, Hamas is your problem.” Apparently paid for by some Jewish organization.

    I’m astonished no one has vandalized it yet. Maybe all the Macalaster students are home on break?

  3. I’m astonished no one has vandalized it yet. Maybe all the Macalaster students are home on break?

    Or can’t read. Indoctrination doesn’t cover reading or comprehension skills. It’s easier that way.

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