Review And Revise

Whatever opposition I’ve had to deportation of illegal immigrants is waning fast:

I’ll work my ass off for the first Presidential candidate to promise to deport aliens who are actively hostile to everything this country stands for.

I said “actively”.

And if the people in this mob are citizens? Deport whatever immigration official or politician OKed their naturalization.

Or at least tar and feather them.

9 thoughts on “Review And Revise

  1. I’ll work my ass off for the first Presidential candidate to promise to deport aliens who are actively hostile to everything this country stands for

    Even Trump?


  2. Aside from the ridiculousness of suburban mask-wearing white kids wanting anything coherent, let’s just say the protesters get what they want, the end to Israel as a nation.

    What then?

    Peace and prosperity?

    Or (most likely) the love child of Robespierre and ISIS.

    Unlike the French, Russian and Chinese revolutions, the American experiment was begun by people who spent their lives working in legislatures and invested a great deal of time pondering, what then?

  3. Anyone and everyone who is in the country illegally and commits a felony should be immediately deported. If they wail that they are refugees from oppression, send them to Antarctica. There is no oppression there, other than the weather.

  4. Dang Merg, that’s pretty based and quite a revision. But unfortunately most of those “illegals” actually have dual citizenship with our Greatest Ally® so deporting them is gonna be hard.

    Plus, you’re forgetting the financial toll it will take on your favorite Conservative politicians…AIPAC spreads millions every year pretty evenly between neocons.

    Still, points for intent.

  5. let’s just say the protesters get what they want, the end to Israel as a nation.
    What then?

    Well, there’s a lot of possibilities Greg. History gives us a pretty good idea since Jews have been asked to vacate 109 host countries ( and a few US states) for a variety of reasons. Early expulsions were due to religious persecution, later more because of social problems.

    But my money is on the largest Uniparty primary fields in US history.

  6. Auschwitz Tom, the Jews were not “asked to leave”, but were rather forcibly expelled, and all such expulsions were motivated by bigotry. One would figure that a Confederate sympathizer like yourself would see through Grant’s invocation of the “Shylock” stereotype, but apparently whatever neurons survive in your skull are not sufficient to the task. Don’t you think your particular brand of horse manure would get a better hearing on “Stormfront” or something?

    Back to the subject, the thought that arises for me is that I don’t know for sure that the Palestinian sympathizers are non-citizens. As much as I’d love to have Swiftee deported somewhere, for example, I don’t believe that can be done. We have, like Gaza and like a corner in the dirty South of South Carolina, our own home grown problems.

  7. Auschwitz Tom, the Jews were not “asked to leave”

    I was being nice.

    “all such expulsions were motivated by bigotry.”

    The early ones were, but the later expulsions were motivated by abuses of usury and corruption of social norms.

    “One would figure that a Confederate sympathizer like yourself would see through Grant’s invocation of the “Shylock” stereotype”

    Truth is an inherent requisite part of stereotypes. Grant was faced with an identifiable population that was undermining his campaign for shekels profit.

    And speaking of Auschwitz, Mr. Bubble, Himmler would have done a more through job if he’d have thought of bombing the shit out of it after it was full. The daily butchers bill in Gaza exceeds Auschwitz’s highest daily death toll by X10..he just needed a few Israeli advisors.

    You’re welcome to come deport me at your convenience, Mr. Bubble.
    Bring your lunch…lmao 🤣

  8. OK, Auschwitz Tom. Let’s work the numbers.

    Murders in Auschwitz: 1.1 million in about 1100 days, or 1000 per day.

    Total deaths in Gaza according to Hamas: 10000 in about 30 days, or about 300 per day.

    So you’re only too high by a factor of 30, which is better than usual for you. And regarding the notion that Jews were expellled “later” due to cultural considerations, your example is from 1862, and “later” would include the Holocaust and expulsions from Muslim countries. So you’re arguing those aren’t motivated by bigotry? What are you smoking, Tom?

    Get yourself to Stormfront, or maybe deport yourself. You’d fit in better in Gaza.

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