Bloodland Sausage

SCENE: Mitch Berg is dumping flashings from pick up truck at the county yard waste site. Bill Gunkel, former Republican who is now chairmain of the Inver Grove Heights chapter of “Former Republicans for Ron Paul”, pulls up next to him, towing a trailer full of leaves.


BERG: Hey..

GUNKEL: Shut up. You eternal war people have really stepped in it with Ukraine.

BERG: Not sure I’ve actually stated an opinion about…

GUNKEL: You know that the Ukrainians are Nazis, right?

BERG: There are some peolple who identify as Nazis, that’s true. In a country of forty million people that was brutalized by the Commuists within living memory, you’re going to find people who equate “Nazi” with “anti-communist”.

GUNKEL: So you’re OK sending money to Nazis?

BERG: Not sure that I said anything of the sort…

GUNKEL: You’re OK supporting Nazis, at all?

BERG: Let’s accept the fact there is a small minority of Nazi symps in Ukrainian society.


BERG: How do you suppose it compares with the number of Stalinists in Russian society?


BERG. Stalinists. Symps of Josef Stalin, most murderous dictator in European history.

GUNKEL: Never heard of him.

BERG: Huh.

GUNKEL: But was he a Nazi?

BERG: Uh…no…

GUNKEL: So – Ukraine, Nazis.

BERG: Right.


18 thoughts on “Bloodland Sausage

  1. The irony is, according the Ruskie 2nd Guards Spetsnaz Brigade, the Uke Neo-Nazi Asov Brigade was the only real bad asses they faced. Of course they were prone to commandeering hospitals and schools for the bases of operations, which we all know is war crime. The vast majority were killed in Azovstal, and now the Uke’s are limited to wasting tons of Weimerican munitions at long range, and trying not to get their asses blown off.

  2. Yes, Kremlin Tom, you can always trust the aggressors to tell the truth about their victims, and it’s not like non-Azov Ukrainian forces drove back the Russian Army around Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson.

    Oh, wait.

  3. lol…Mr. Bubble, I said a year ago that the Russkies had what they wanted: the Donbas region and Crimea. Right now, they have way more than that (and still in nominal control of Kharkiv).

    We’ve established that they ran away from Kyiv because they had shitty tires *snicker*, and that was long before Asov was destroyed.

    The vaunted Uke counteroffensive has been a tremendous flop. The lines are stable and, as I said, the Uke’s are satisfying themselves by expending Weimerica’s munitions, finishing their terms of service and getting the fuck out of there.

    I’m just relaying information I’ve read from several sources…no doubt your favorite news source, CNN *snicker*, will have a different story.

  4. Yes, Kremlin Tom, because it is SO worth putting a nation of 44 million people through H*** for the sake of a couple hundred bigots. By that logic, maybe we should carpet bomb the county where you live because of you.

    And sure, Moscow has what they want. Just ignore the pseudo-academic treatises by Putin claiming that Ukraine has never been its own country with its own culture and language, ignore Putin’s aiming for a reinstatement of the old Soviet Union, ignore the new Russian “history” textbook that claims that the 1989 liberation from Communist tyranny amounted to an “annexation” of the Communist east, etc.. Ignore the fact that they didn’t stop when when the Azov Regiment surrendered at Mariupol.

    Once again, Slava Ukraini and Putin delenda est!

  5. Lol… the people of Ukraine are suffering because neocon war mongers decided to see if Putin meant “don’t” when he said “don’t”.

    The West jumped in because Zelensky promised freedom to have buttsex and molest children. His acting job has made him and his cronies billionaires.

    Now, the military of Yemin has formally declared war on Israel, which means Hezbollah is right behind them. So the Uke grift is done while Weimerica wastes hundreds of billions more in Palestine.

    Lol…what a shitshow

  6. I have no CANINE in this fight and Ukraine is also not my circus and not my monkeys, but I can’t help but notice that despite the enormous amount of Western aid, the map has not changed since the initial invasion was complete.

    I don’t care about Nazis or who bombed who, this is not about the moral justification for either side. This is about practicality.

    Russia is not backing down and not pulling out. Sanctions did not work. Blowing up the pipeline did not work. Seizing oligarchs personal assets did not work. Boots on the ground as “trainers” has not worked. Nothing is working to retake the land.

    The money we give goes to pay the salaries of Ukraine government workers. It goes to American defense contractors who presumably make campaign contributions to the correct congress critters. It probably goes into Swiss Bank accounts and shipping trips for Z and his wife. Not seeing how any of that is going to retake territory.

    I’m sorry but it looks like Russia got what it wanted and it’s all over but the shouting. Time to pull the plug on the funding.

    The war is over. We lost.

  7. We lost, the Russian economy is better than ours, they have cemented relationships with the largest economies in the East and South America and Putin is more popular and powerful than ever.

    Meanwhile, we’re hundreds of trillions more in debt, out of ammo and fixing to go to war with millions of head chopping muzzies.

    This couldn’t have gone worse for Weimerica and NATO if it had been planned.

  8. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 11.01.23 : The Other McCain

  9. Blade;
    You forgot out of reserve fuel. Pedo Pete had to try to shore up his dismal record with his zombies and drained the reserve to less than a week’s worth.

  10. What I see is that Zelensky is still alive, meaning that Ukraine has largely solved the problem of the FSB, Russia has lost most of their operable armored vehicles and a huge portion of their artillery, Putin has had at least one attempt to depose him, NATO has expanded into Finland (soon Sweden), and NATO members that were lax about arming themselves have gotten religion in that regard.

    Plus, over 300,000 Russian soldiers are dead or maimed, a million Russians have left the country (most of them critical white collar workers), and Ukraine has recruited a batallion….from Siberia.

    Reality here is that Russia and Ukraine have shown us the way to de-fang the Russian nuclear machine and the FSB, along with de-fanging the Russian army for a generation. If you don’t see this as something worth a few bucks, you are simply not paying attention.

  11. I will concede there is one silver lining to the massive war spending: G for Government Spending is a factor in calculating GDP which explains why The Emery Collective believes the economy grew 5% last quarter when everybody else believes we are in a recession. The war spending is helping Biden stay in the race which annoys and frustrates Democrats. Do we have that going for us.

  12. Here’s something for Mr. Bubbles few bucks that will make bloodthirsty neocons swoon with pleasure:

    “KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip — Youssef Sharaf has been trying for more than a week to dig out the bodies of his four children, buried under his destroyed home in Gaza City.

    His parents and his wife were killed in the same attack. So were his three brothers and two sisters, his two uncles and their spouses — and so many of their children.

    His three daughters — Malak, 11, Yasmin, 6, and Nour, 3 — and his only son, 10-year-old Malik, were lost beneath the rubble.

    “Can you imagine my pain?” he asked.

    About 30 of his relatives were staying with them, Sharaf said. Thirteen of his nieces and nephews were killed — among them Lana, 16, Hala, 11, Jana, 9, Juri, 6, Tuleen, 4, Karim, 2, and 1-year-old Obeida.”

    The Palestinian body count now numbers >9000, including 3000 kids. The Israelis like to maintain the same 10/1 retaliatory death ratio Nazis had in their occupied territories…they’re just about there, but hey, they’re getting fresh shipments of cash and munitions from Weimerica, so why stop now?

  13. aww poor KHAN YOUNIS, but I’ll bet he was one of the people who voted Hamas into power. Its good to know that in a place as civilized and culturally advanced as Gaza people do actually get what they voted for!

  14. I appreciate your honesty pig. “Fuck them, they deserved it” is a sentiment I can understand, even if I don’t agree in every case.

  15. Black Jesus is trying to keep Pedo Joe from getting sucked into the same sewer the now cons are jumping into. He sees the bloodbath the Israelis are engaging in, and wven he sees it’s got nothing positive foe Weimerica.

    Carry on Patriots!!

    “Obama says both sides to blame for Israel-Hamas conflict: ‘Nobody’s hands are clean’”

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