Purity Test

SCENE: Mitch BERG is cleaning out his garden boxes. Busy hauling stalks to the truck, he doesn’t notice Avery LIBRELLE, patrolling the alley, looking for over-filled recycling bins to report to the city.


BERG: Hey, Avery…

LIBRELLE: Shut up. The GOP’s new Speaker of the House is anti-science. I have proof!

BERG: Huh. So since the Speaker’s job has nothing to do with developing theories, formulating hypotheses, designing and conducting experiments and documenting results, much less trying to figure out how the universe “really” formed, what difference does it make?

LIBRELLE: Who wants our leaders to believe fairy tales?

BERG: Let’s ignore for a moment that theology, like mathematics, logic, physics, even history, are different ways of analyzing different evidence about the universe. Let’s say that you have a brain tumor, and you need brain surgery, or you’re going to die, but quick. So you go to the world’s leading brain surgeon – the one person who can save your life. So far so good?


BERG: That person has got to be a person of impeccable scientific credentials, right?

LIBRELLE: Of course.

BERG: So you meet that surgeon, and he explains his record – overwhelmingly successful – and his technique, his reasoning, and his plan. And everything sounds right. So far, so good?


BERG: Then he tells you he believes the universe is 6,000 years old and was created in six days by an imnipotent God.

LIBRELLE: Oh, I’d cancel the surgery instantly!

BERG: Why?

LIBRELLE: He clearly doesn’t believe in science! But why are you wasting time with a hypothetical example?

BERG: Nothing hypothetical about it.

LIBRELLE: When I know more about science than the world’s leading brain surgeon…

BERG: Your degree was in what?

LIBRELLE: Grievance studies with a minor in Sociology!

BERG: Right. Hey, look (points down the alley) I think the Gruenbergs mixed green glass in their clear glass…

LIBRELLE: (Looks down the alley. BERG makes his escape. LIBRELLE doesn’t notice, heading down the alley and getting his…er, her…er, a smart phone camera ready to go…).


8 thoughts on “Purity Test

  1. “I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that scripture, the Bible, is very clear, that God is the one that raises up those in authority, God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment, in this time.”~ Speaker Mike Johnson

    Reminds me of what Bertrand Russell said:
    “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.”

    So — Johnson believes he was ordained by God to be Speaker. I wonder if he believes that Biden was ordained by God to be President.

    I have no problem with Speaker Johnson’s religious beliefs. But his religious views — and his constricted reading of the New Testament — should not define what freedom means for an America as diverse as ours.

    No one has ever coherently explained to me why Christians of the New Testament are always quoting the Old Testament…. especially when Jesus says the opposite of Mosaic Law.

  2. I’d say there’s a mite bit more evidence of Noah’s Ark than there is that Socialism/Marxism are workable frameworks for government and the betterment of mankind that don’t have to devolve into tyranny and murder of the citizenry.

  3. LIBRELLE: He clearly doesn’t believe in science!

    One cannot believe in science. Belief is the domain of religion.

    One can trust the process of science.

    One can even trust scientists.

    But believing in science turns it into a religion and transforms scientists into priests. The very thing science was invented to counter.

  4. After the last three years and all the things that midwits like Fluffy tried (and continue to try) to pass off as scientific (Science!), I’m a teeny bit surprised to see them try to take some sort of oh-so superior position – you know, like holier than thou – as to what science is.

  5. Nice try/lie you dimwit. Damn you must talk to a lot of stupid people. He said his faith in God lifted him up. Big difference. God did not choose him, nor did he say that.

    PS: Is Fauci ACTUALLY science itself?

    PS: Can men have babies?

    PS: Are “migrants” coming up from Mexico because of global warming?

    PS: Are forest fires caused because: fire god angry?

    Leftist beliefs, one and all.

  6. “I have no problem with Speaker Johnson’s religious beliefs. But his religious views — and his constricted reading of the New Testament — should not define what freedom means for an America as diverse as ours.”

    The Emery Collective presents us with a teachable moment on the subjects of American history and how it differs from, say, Canadian history.

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
    that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
    that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    Truth. Not theory, belief, speculation, but Truth.
    Creator. Not Intelligent Designer or Random Chance, but Creator.
    Endowed. Not lent, sold, licensed or rented, but endowed. Blessed.
    Unalienable rights. Can’t be bartered, sold or given away, they are ours forever.

    In the Dominion, people are not citizens, they are subjects. They do not have Constitutional Rights, they have a Charter of Freedoms which can be set aside at the whim of the Prime Minister – just ask the Truckers. The Charter pays lip service to freedom of religion but their form of government flows from England and the Test Acts which is reflected in public attitudes.

    The people who formed the United States were rebels and descendants of rebels against the English form of government, against religious discrimination, against the unilateral power of the Executive. Canadians do not understand why Americans get so exercised about religion because their history and resulting civil government are so different from ours.

    The Emery Collective demands an explicit test for holding public office based on religious belief. Americans rejected that notion from the start and affirmed it with the election of John F. Kennedy. A Catholic can become Head of State in America, but not in Canada because Canada is a Dominion under England and a Catholic can never inherit the throne. Canadians are just fine with that. Americans are not.

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