Lipstick On A Pig

A Gaffe is what happens when a politician accidentally tells the truth.
— Michael Kinsley

Governor Walz may have committed a gaffe the other day:

He’s being too modest.

With its proposed ban on liquid fuel, the DFL is working to ensure that no matter where you grow up or go to school, you have to stay in your community.

13 thoughts on “Lipstick On A Pig

  1. Kids: Mommy, PLEASE can we have a sip of water. We’re SOO thirsty.

    Mommy Walz: Kids, I told you, we are in a severe drought, everyone must conserve as much water as possible.

    Kids: But Mommy, our (Chinese) neighbors just drained and filled their swimming pool for the third time this week!

    Mommy Walz: Now, now, remember, they are them, we are us.

    Kids: But Mommy, a sip of water during something as big as a drought means nothing. It will have no measurable impact whatsoever.

    Mommy Walz: Impact means nothing, it is how it looks that matters.

    Note: any misuse of pronouns above was unintentional and not meant to offend.

  2. I can’t remember what they’re called but this post reminds of those people who read public announcements by the CCP (and in the past, the Kremlin) looking to find obscured or even hidden meanings.

    Truth be told, what’s to stop the DemoCommies from doing anything they want and stating it pointblank without regard for the consequences, electoral or otherwise?

  3. jdm;
    Actually, many DemoCommies are already doing that. It just shows how brain dead left wing voters are. Their government benefactors tell the straight out that they are going to screw them and they just smile and nod in compliant acceptance.

  4. Rationally, the retrofit policy should be applied first to those homes which offend worst, i.e. older, poorly insulated, with inefficient heating systems and single-pane windows. Like the house I lived in when I was a college kid renting off-campus housing. In the cheap part of town. With mostly Black neighbors.

    We should start the program in Frogtown and North Minneapolis, the Black communities whose homes are the worst climate offenders. Force them to retrofit their homes first, then move on to new homes in Apple Valley and North Branch.

    I’m sure the Black community will be honored to go first and happy to pay for a better Minnesota.

  5. The interesting thing is that gas heat is about 80-95% efficient. Power added efficiency of a fossil fuel power plant is about 35%. So why does Walz want to destroy the environment?

  6. I lived near a rather sizable Amish community. Horse “exhaust” was common on our roads & streets. Look for it to return to the Twin Cities.

  7. Isn’t it funny that we never heard about whole Amish communities being decimated, wiped out or ravaged by WuFlu? Funny that incidences of serious diseases don’t seem to affect said communities. This must drive big pharma bat shit crazy.

  8. Part of the issue for the Amish is that they get a lot of physical labor and don’t tend to get obese or diabetic–so they were not, generally, among the risk populations for COVID. We might not want to bring back horses and wood for fuel, but there is something to learn there.

  9. Let us also add that the Amish do not warehouse their elderly in nursing homes thus protecting them from the infection that was Walz.

    Come to think of it, not warehousing the elderly protects them from a wide variety of biological and political infections.

  10. Amish women stay at home, run the household and homeschool the kids. The men go out and work to support their families. They do not welcome anyone that is not one of them into their communities…completely reject “diversity”. They dgaf what anyone says, and comply with the government only as far as they absolutely must.

    The Uniparty sees the danger in that. If the labor force gets cuts in half, so does the available pile of cash to finance their fuckery. Also, reducing their access to kids puts a big dent into the program.

    So they come through…using more of your money to keep your women working; keep your kids in the control of their mentally compromised agents.

    “Look! You can spend 3 months with your infant before you go back to your cubicle!! We’ll feed them for you, it’s all taken care of. Just work.


  11. “It just shows how brain dead left wing voters are.”

    Oh yeah…*they’re* so gullible. Let’s point and laugh at them, because *we’re* so much smarter than them.

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