Only Human

The Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus has one at least one level of its case to legalize citizens ages 18 to 20 for carry permits.

Keith Ellison, being Keith Ellison, is fighting them:

So just so we are clear on this: in the state of Minnesota, if you’re a 10 year old who has decided they want to get themself chemically castrated, you have full legal standing.

If you’re a 20 year old veteran of the Armed Forces who wants to defend themselves, you are not only not old enough, you are an unperson.

This may be the perfect metaphor for the state of Minnesota today.

NOTE: Nobody of any age should write blog posts using “voice to text“ without taking the time to edit.

5 thoughts on “Only Human

  1. Hmmm… is it me or Mitch, but I find myself with less and less reason to badger him.

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.08.23 : The Other McCain

  3. We need to vote him out. Is there a Republican strategy for the next election that we’ve overlooked? Old ladies can be formidable.

    Election clerk: “Ma’am, you can’t vote today. You’ve already voted.”

    Susan: “Well, I certainly did not! I think I’d remember a thing like that.”

    Election clerk: “You’d be surprised, old people forget lots of things.”

    Susan, glaring: “Don’t be such an ageist, you pup. I’ll have you know blue is my natural hair color.”

    Election clerk: “Yes, ma’am, only it says here you already participated in Early Voting. In fact, it looks like you voted last Thursday and also a week ago Tuesday.”

    Susan: “Couldn’t have been me. Tuesdays, I play canasta. I want to vote.”

    Election clerk: “I’m sorry, I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t accept this ballot from you.”

    Susan: “How do you know it’s from me? What if I don’t show you any ID and simply drop it in the box, like that Vote Harvesting fellow who’s always coming around the senior citizens’ apartments?”

    Election clerk: “But then I’d have to count it as a vote for Democrats. You voted for Republicans.”

    Susan: “Are you refusing me the opportunity to participate in Our Precious Democracy?”

    Election clerk sighing: “I guess one vote won’t change the outcome of the election. Just put it in the box.”

  4. I guess when a child turns 18, he is 3/5 of a person, and then is a full person when he turns 21? Odd to see Ellison making that argument, but I guess they didn’t teach the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments in his law school, and apparently in his community, they don’t take that seriously?

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