
It’s amazing…

…how many descriptions of Communism apply to the modern DFL.

8 thoughts on “Applicable

  1. The lies continue at every level. Fauci recently admitted masks don’t work for large populations but do for individuals. Huh? Is that like losing money on every sale but making it up in volume?

    Jill Biden – vaxxed and boosted and living in the most secure house in the world – has Covid. Crazy Uncle Joe wants money for a vaccine that works – a tacit admission this one doesn’t and he knows it – yet DFL politicians are back on the mask and vax and shutdown kick again, pushing all the remedies that didn’t work last time. The media talking heads nod sagely, Karens gleefully comply and RINOs quietly fall in line.

    The Inflation Reduction Act didn’t; Ukraine is a lost cause; and my damned charcoal briquettes are not destroying the planet. Lies, lies, nothing but lies.

  2. Wow, that’s a humdinger of a lie on KJP’s part, really one where I’d suggest mental health care would be a good idea for her. It takes something special to lie like that in such a way that the whole world knows–I think she’s taking lessons from Pravda Moscow.

  3. bike;
    Mental health care for her AND the commies that gave her those talking points. She has proven that she’s not smart enough to come up with them on her own.

  4. My opinion is that part of the population is content to accept the blatant lies in exchange for security, or at least the appearance of security. KJP would’ve been right at home as a public official in the USSR or one of its satellites. People were conditioned, from birth, that they were dependent on their government for their very survival, that self-reliance was akin to selfishness. If your “benevolent” overlords lie, why would you risk everything to challenge them? Such as it is with the modern leftist. When offered the choice between “limited government” (“Somalia” in the leftist brain) and the utopian façade like is seen in Brave New World, which would most people pick?

  5. How many ways? I can’t count that high. I’m old enough to remember the Cold War of the 60s and the mountain of lies spewed by the Soviet propaganda machine. KJP would have fit in well. Want to know why there is a lack of carbon free nuclear power plants in the USA? You can thank a communist for that.

  6. Bikebubba, BH, and everyone else: Hanlon’s razor is not what’s going on here. Don’t give them the “out” of mental challenges or just plain stupidity.

    It’s INTENTIONAL. It perfectly illustrates Mitch’s italicized paragraph above. If anyone has mental challenges/stupidity, it’s “us”

    but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.

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