Woke: Defined?

In the game of cheap rhetorical card tricks, the latest card up your average garden variety Leftists sleeve is saying “Define ‘Woke'”, and then plastering a sanctimonious smirk on their face as the good guys try to arf up a definition for something that isn’t really meant to be definite.

To some extent, Big Left uses terms like “woke” as a game of “Bring Me A Rock” – trying to answer a question whose parameters you don’t understand – or, ultimately, one of those greased pig contests at the county fair, where kids chased after a slicked-up piglet as the adults laugh at the hijinks.

But I love seeing smirks decaying into dejection, or better yet rage; it’s one of my life’s great joys, in fact.

So what the heck: let’s define “woke”, once and for all. For the ages.

Con Text: First, the rules:

  • We’re defining it from the modern white progressive context. The term is appropriated from Black America, a relationship under whose convenient cover those white progressives scamper when you start getting close to their terms: “You just hate black terms!”, or some such dogwater.
  • Leave your suggestions, or feedback on my suggestion, in the comments.
  • Threadjacks of any kind, left or right, will be removed without comnent.

So let’s give this a ahot.

Rough Draft: Here’s Take 1.

Woke: Noun: A pseudoreligious social and political philosophy that ascribes all dissent from social progressive beliefs to “systemic” problems, demands acceptance of those beliefs rather tha toleration of dissent, and calls for conversion of non-believers by social persuasion or coercion.

Go to it.

26 thoughts on “Woke: Defined?

  1. Woke: a fundamentalist religion based on inverted hierarchies and contrary logic.

    It is really rather simple, and pardon me, but for those of us old enough to remember the Superman comics Wokism was foretold in Bizarro World.

    From Wikipedia:

    The Bizarro World (also known as Htrae, which is “Earth” spelled backwards) is a fictional planet appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.[1] Introduced in the early 1960s, Htrae is a cube-shaped planet, home to Bizarro and companions, all of whom were initially Bizarro versions of Superman, Lois Lane and their children. Later, other Bizarros were added. Among them was Batzarro, the World’s Worst Detective.

    In popular culture, “Bizarro World” has come to mean a situation or setting which is weirdly inverted or opposite to expectations.

    In the Bizarro World of “Htrae”, society is ruled by the Bizarro Code which states “Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!”

  2. A meaningless term, coined to give the organized genocide of White people a simple, single syllable word easily remembered by the low IQ population.

  3. Someone came up with “equity over equality” but I think that just requires more explanation (most people don’t understand how the woke defines equity). It is totalitarianism, pure and simple.



    Ukraine’s sluggish counter-offensive is souring the public mood
    The government is worried


    Now the leftist media has thrown in the towel on Ukraine, too. The dwarf mob boss has taken his wife on another European shopping spree while he grifts the Swedish government. They say they will give him some F-16’s, but Sweden hasn’t received any since 1992…so they’re handing over obsolete junk.

    Add to that no one is giving the dwarf any tactical air control equipment, spare parts and especially AA rockets, and all we can hope is that Madam dwarf got some nice Swiss watches (I’m sure she did).

    Doesn’t matter, though, because they’ll never get there and even if they did, putting inexperienced Uke pilots in old planes against highly trained Russian combat vets, flying state of the art air superiority aircraft is insanity.

    The “offensive” failed, and the Ukes will retreat next month. You heard it here first.

  5. In this instance, the dismissive “I can’t describe it, but like porn, I know it when I see it” works great.

  6. McDonalds staffed by Mexicans run far better than those staffed by Black’s. Why?

  7. Trying to come up with some sort of acronym, but having blocks.
    Woefully Overdone Kitschy Edicts is not that great…

  8. This definition problem doesn’t just apply to “woke.” What does it mean to be a liberal? Or a progressive? Or a fascist?

  9. My best definition of “woke” is “any number of social causes beloved by the progressive left.” Since nobody seems to know precisely what links these causes, or even what these causes are, I tend not to use the term. Why just cause a fight for no reason?

    Regarding the vitally important issue of McDonalds’ ice cream machines, there’s a website called “mcbroken.com” that maps out the bad locations. I don’t see an obvious correlation to any racial or ethnic demographic, which excludes most franchisees as the problem. Unifying factor: McDonald’s corporate HQ. As Deming is said to have said when visiting Ford executives, “85% of your quality problems are in this room.”

  10. Big, a McD ran by a black in a mex area would be doing at the average. It is not the management, it the environment. I am willing to bet a white-run McD in a black area would have just many ice-cream machines closed and financially under-performing than those ran by blacks. I would go even further to boldly proclaim that a white-run McD would do worse than a black-run in the same black area.

  11. “Woke: Noun: A pseudoreligious belief that ascribes all dissent from judeo-christian socially acceptable norms to perceived “systemic” problems, demands acceptance of that belief, does not tolerate any dissent and calls for conversion of non-believers by social persecution, mutilation, imprisonment and death.

    There I simplified and made it more clear to the audience that it will be related to… you know… morons…

  12. You may be right jpa. I used to travel around town a lot and stopped for lunch wherever I was at the time. Massive variation in quality among the same franchise chains.

    There’s a McD’s on Rice Street at Wheelock in St. Paul, run by Blacks in a heavily Black area. It was a shithole, every time I went there. There’s one about six blocks North on Rice Street across Hwy 36, right next to the Planned Parenthood office. That seems to be run by White or possibly Mexicans, certainly plenty of the staff are Spanish speaking women, and it’s great.

    The Wendys on University at Dale is Black run in a Black area – shithole. The Wendys on University at Fairview by Menards is Mexican run in a mixed race area and its great.

  13. Ask a lib to describe a “marginalized community.”
    Elon Musk is an African American.

  14. Say, Mitch? Fuck you. No, really. Do us both a favor and ban me.

    This conflict is likely to involve us in another global war, Your piddly assed arguments with the dominant political party about Muh GunZ is moot. You’ll do what they say.

    Don’t want important issues on your blog? Block me buddy…E-rAT will keep everyone entertained with is bullshit lies.


  15. Take a fucking poll.

    Should Blade get booted?

    A. Hell yeah!
    B. Sure I was tired of this site anyway

  16. Is this parody? How could this thing even pass through SiTD’s editorial process? Have you been hacked?

    I’d have more respect for this if you gave the same level of critical scrutiny to the ‘political language’ of people whose positions you agree with. Or do you truly believe that there are no overused, meaningless political phrases emanating from the conservative side of the culture war?

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