Settled Science

The part of me that works with engineers knows that for every decision where engineering meets design, there is an elaborately calculated rationale.

And the other part of me thinks that the eighth-grade prankster in so many engineers has just pulled the prank of a lifetime.

12 thoughts on “Settled Science

  1. Right up there with Elon Musk rebranding Twitter as X. I saw a post somewhere where it said that someone “xeeted” a reply. Posting on X is now “Xeet talking”.

  2. Wait! Helium? Isn’t there supposed to be a limited amount of that stuff in existence?

  3. OK, seriously, what they’ve got going is a modified “two cylinder” or “two cigar” design that allows the gondola to be closer to the bag, which means that this design choice appears, IMO, to be an attempt to (a) allow a smaller hangar and (b) reduce the impact of cross winds. I’m guessing those diesel fans will fold out from those pods on the side.

  4. Isn’t that thing like, 10 years old? It has its own Wikipedia page, which is where the photo appears. For a “science girl” she’s surprisingly behind the times.

    Kind of like this guy, who finally noticed a company which has been in business 30 years and decided to post about it. Dude, they don’t want people like you to call. It’s a state law requirement to have the number.

  5. I dimly recall a giant statue of a peach somewhere in the South that caused quite a ruckus some years ago.

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