Mitch’s DFL Translation Service

I pride myself in being able to turn DFL English into Honest English.


Translated into “Honest”

While other states are getting agenda-porn out of middle schools, MN is writing a different story.  

And by “writing”, we don’t mean the actual kids. They can’t write for s**t now, and it’s not gonna get any better.

And by “story”, we mean “checks that shovel more money into the greedy maw of an unaccountable Dept of Education that’s already made countless corrupt DFL-linked nonprofiteers wealthy.”

I’m happy, as alwatys, to help.

3 thoughts on “Mitch’s DFL Translation Service

  1. The contents of all libraries, even your own, are curated.
    Public libraries belong to the public. The idea that the curators (aka librarians) should be able to choose what material it contains rather than the public who pays for the books is noxious.
    Doubly noxious when we are talking about public schools.
    Real life is not Babbit. Parents are not doofusses who need to have a blue haired liberal arts major tell them which books their kids are allowed to read, or not. If the book choice is controversial, we have democratic ways of dealing with that problem.

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.15.23 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

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