Ill Advised

To: Rep. Nathan Coulter (DFL 51B)
From: Mitch Berg, Obstreporous peasant and human ATM
Re: Congrats

Rep. Coulter

I was a little amazed to see that you are in fact a state representative.

Because the optics of a tweet like this are a little…

…well, bad:

Rep. Coulter: speaking as a middle-class empty nester who is getting not a f***ing penny from this so-called refund (let’s call it what it is – targeted vote buying), the idea that tax money is being “Refunded” to the needy – like, say, a State Representative from the mean streets of Eagan – maybe you might wanna stop your eyes spinning long enough to remember where the money came from.

You’re welcome, (REDACTED).

That is all,.

11 thoughts on “Ill Advised

  1. I just filed for mine, and my eyes spun around and turned into dollar signs as 🎵“We’re in your Money”🎶 played.

  2. It’s a bit odd to have gone from my social security obligation is already paid off in August and I never, ever got a property tax refund from MN, to now in retirement, I always get that refund. Skirting the poverty borderline is a well paid retirement hobby. Did you know capital gains taxes depend on your income? Don’t forget to use those losses to your advantage.

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.11.23 : The Other McCain

  4. Good lord you democrats are just loathsome pukes. Ick. I detest you and your ilk.

  5. I detest them too, cosmic. And they detest us right back.

    That’s why we cannot share a country. We will end up killing each other on a scale never imagined.

  6. Don’t Canadians allow depressed old people to seek state financed suicide these days?
    Hard to figure out what could go wrong with that plan.

  7. I like a tax refund no matter who is signing the check. It won’t make me vote for the ruling kleptocrats (I don’t live in MN anymore). I see it as overdue rebate of stolen income. Reparations, in fact. The DFL clown Coulter is mistaken in saying one has to “file” for it. It’s based on AGI which the state already knows.

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