8 thoughts on “I Heard It On The NARN

  1. last month there were local stories in the press about the return of Malaria to southeastern states, then last week there were stories about the emergence of Leprosy in southern border states, now this story out of LA County reports the return of Typhus;

    Last year the story was about the return of polio and tuberculosis, this year so far, its Malaria, Leprosy, and Typhus. Whats next Yellow Fever?

  2. Yep ’cause Deng is already here. I wonder where all these came from? We can send 50B and counting to support a tribal war across the globe but did not and do not have 5B to make sure our citizens are safe and healthy. We don’t need no Constitution nor laws because we no longer have a country.

  3. One of my neighbors, when I mentioned the arrival of tuberculosis and leprosy due to open borders and/or (illegal) immigrants, loudly proclaimed that it’s all due to people not getting their (government recommended) vaccines. I asked which vaccines? Yeah, well…

    He’s a blue-collar Democrat who somewhat proudly proclaims that he doesn’t watch the news.

  4. “Corruption” actually has a real definition. If a person has a specific purpose, and they pursues another purpose, that person has been corrupted.
    One of the legitimate purposes of border control control is to keep people with communicable diseases outside of the US.
    Not anymore.

  5. jdm;
    I have two white collar neighbors that claimed the same thing. I replied, “Yea. Third world countries don’t give their people vaccines, unless the patient or the Gates Foundation, pays for them and the Pedo Pete administration isn’t checking vaccination records when they swim across the Rio Grande.” Silence.

  6. Whether it’s elementary school teachers wanting help with their student loans or Justice Clarence Thomas wanting help financing his $270,000 recreational vehicle, it seems that people on both sides are looking for a handout.

  7. boss, too funny.

    I was probably a little terse in my comments.

    Tuberculosis and leprosy – as well as typhus, yet another visitor from abroad – don’t have vaccines*. I mean, that’s the job of embassies/consulates and border agents (and walls!) restricting uncontrolled entry to a country. Forty some years ago, as part of the process to get a green card, applicants had to provide a recent x-ray of their lungs to prove they didn’t have TB and carry that X-ray across the border when they first arrive.

    My point with the blue-collar Democrats, especially the Boomers like my neighbor, is that they mindlessly and reflexively defend DemoCommie policies and politicians. Many of them simply cannot fathom nor accept that the DemoCommies don’t need them anymore and won’t waste time or effort protecting their interests.

    * there is a recent vaccine against TB but it is not often used for some reason.

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