Never Forget

Polls – and the current performance of the DeSantis campaign – shows that, whether from fatigue or bigger fish to fry, Covid just isn’t that big an issue for most people.

That’s a shame.

In the interest of making sure, to the best of my ability, that nobody forgets, here’s what Democrats were thinking…

…not one week into the pandemic, but in their unhinged hysteria 22 months later.

A third believed the unvaccinated should lose their children.

Of all the history – relevant and otherwise – that people barber on about while taking politics, the fact that this bit of the recent past is downright galling.

58 thoughts on “Never Forget

  1. And I still see (very few, but they are there) the ignorant wearing masks. This 20 something white girl at the coffee shop I frequent. Loose fitting, blue mask. I mean, W T F? I judge her and want nothing to do with her. So I never tip her.

  2. Say rAT?

    When it’s time for you and the ER nurse to have a session on the Berkeley horse, what’s the protocol for getting gas station dick pills at Floyd’s convenience store and town pump up there in HaCK?

    Maskies and face shields, or nah, or “bareback”?

    You got to show a VAX card to play the slots at the Indian c@sino?

    How about ticks rAT; they a big problem up there this year?

  3. RAT SAID, “Avoid drastic steps such as lockdowns and school closings unless the virus is raging in a particular area. If masks are necessary make sure that everyone, especially those most at risk, has them and knows how and when to use them.”.. Hey RAT,,, they were NEVER EFFECTIVE you blithering ignorant twit!

  4. More RAT lies; The biggest problem with the US response was having a regime in charge that rejected science, promoted pseudoscience and fake “cures,” and actively sought to spread the virus and make the pandemic as bad as possible, killing over a million people.

  5. ⬆️ It started as a pandemic. It has now become an intelligence test.

    The problem stems from the fact that Trump and the GOP have been sowing seeds of doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine and under their leadership, have confirmed those doubts.

  6. That mean you and your ER nurse daughter still dont go bareback rAT?

    Please clarify.

  7. DeSantis’ choice to hobby horse the word “woke” has always seemed maladroit to me. The word has no obvious meaning and apparently has been taken from the ultra-left. It is an obscurantist term that DeSantis is trying to make his personal branded term. My takeaway is that DeSantis’ grasp of advertising, messaging, and branding is exceedingly poor.

    DeSantis is running a third-grade level campaign; it has an early elementary school feel to it. And of course everyone knows that American presidential politics is all about high school! DeSantis is in the wrong playground.

  8. “DeSantis’ choice to hobby horse the word “woke” has always seemed maladroit to me.”

    Oooooh, I see what you did there, Berkeley horse rAT! hahahaha!

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