Saint Paul Schooled

A friend of the blog emails:

Saw this on Facebook last night. My sense is that there is more to this story, but then again, it is Saint Paul Public Schools, so maybe there isn’t….

There may very well be more to the story. If I were a gambling man, I would say that that “more“ is a St., Paul Schools bureaucrat list ir misfiled the title.

As I’ve noted in this space, assuming the SPPS operates for anyone’s benefit but it’s own is always your first mistake.


I’m watching this one.

36 thoughts on “Saint Paul Schooled

  1. A Subaru, huh?

    So, those little rascals that carried the car up are now free and clear and without any responsibility? Is that how this works?

  2. Central High is majority Amish with a heavy secondary population of Finlanders. You know how Those People are. What do you expect?

  3. The school is the guilty party here, but I know a few people who’ve been victimized as either the purchasers/recipients of their vehicles didn’t get the title change documentation in to the state, or the state failed to register the change in title. Hopefully the school district gets its act together in this regard.

  4. ^ The school is the guilty party here

    I repeat. Those kids who did the deed have no responsibility?

  5. They do, but when the issue is that the school didn’t get the car registered properly and title transferred, and then tried to bill the former owners, and did not figure out who put the car up there so they could be approached, the school is at fault.

    My overall take is that there needs to be a better system for registering vehicle owners. That’s on the state.

  6. So, they’re teaching the little savages how to scam nitwit Whites, run a chop shop, and how to play the system.


  7. They do, but…

    But? The school administration is a bunch of incompetent, arrogant assholes. OK? However, might I remind you that none of the problems would’ve occurred had those scamps not carried the car up two flights of stairs. Why couldn’t they carry it down again? And/Or pay for the removal? Then the incompetent, arrogant assholes wouldn’t have had reason to panic and lash out at stupid naive citizens just trying to do something nice.

  8. jdm, the car deal was surely carried out by the White kids. It didn’t have any sociopolitical message, they weren’t demanding gibs, no one was beaten to within an inch of their life, nothing was stolen and nothing was damaged.

    It was just kids fucking around. The principal, on the other hand, wanted to use the incident to get some gibs…guessing he’s blek.

  9. One thing to point out here is that for close to a century, a classic senior prank is to re-assemble a car in weird places around schools; at the top of the steps, on the roof, etc.. So to even impound the vehicle really says “administrators don’t remember how things were done historically”. On the top of the steps is pretty benign as far as it goes.

  10. Hopefully this friend of the blog reads the blog.

    Let this be a lesson to you: STOP TRYING TO HELP PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS. If you want to donate, donate to private organizations. There are plenty of places that will take donated cars for repair. If you can’t find anything, there is always everyone’s favorite radio jingle – One Eight Seven Seven cars for kids….

  11. the car deal was surely carried out by the White kids

    At St Paul Central? Huh. Good to know.

  12. Thanks a lot, blade

    I never heard of 1488 so I had to Google it

    Now I’m in the database

  13. Yeah, well we’re all gonna be in a database sooner or later.

    The trick is, be in the right one.

  14. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 06.30.23 : The Other McCain

  15. Me: Why is it that people with the worst judgement gravitate toward teaching?

    The Voice in My Head: Cause people incapable of judgement gravitate toward teacher’s colleges.

  16. At least nobody got killed.

    We are witnessing a new saint in France named Nahel who was shot at a police roadblock solely because he is of Algerian descent and not for any other reason, certainly not because he was 17 years old, driving a stolen Mercedes, without a license, in a bus lane, and resisted arrest. Why would that matter? Everybody does that. No, it was solely because of his race.

    Riots looting robbing gun stores attacking police stations those were mosy peaceful demonstrations in support of this gentle giant, this innocent child, who only has 5 prior arrests and it had been a whole weekend since he was last released on bail

    Soon to be canonized, likely to get his own power fist statue right near the Eiffel Tower

  17. Nice — open thread

    Russia, the eternal underachiever. One of their biggest problems is their imperialistic mindset. Another big problem is their submissive and passive population.

    Russians could never be happy just minding their own business. Instead of repairing their infrastructure and raising their pensions they want to use the money they still have to cause as much destruction to others as possible. That makes their own problems seem palatable after all.

    They have now destroyed their biggest market for oil and gas forever. For them being feared and being “strong” is more important than living well. Could we imagine for example Norway wanting to invade and subjugate Sweden? No, we can´t. Norwegians live well and peacefully and enjoy their oil money.

    Russia will never develop unless Russians look in the mirror and face the facts. However, the reality and their violent past are so horrible, that this will probably never happen. There are victims and perpetrators in every family.

    Germany was lucky to have its own “Stunde Null”. Germany is now a developed and flourishing democracy. Russia isn´t one and probably will never be.

  18. The school administrators and teachers are all racist. That is the only explanation why black students fail while Asian students excel

    Speaking of racist, This smoke from Canadian wildfires is now racist. it affects everyone, but women and children more than others particularly minority. Not exactly sure how, but that was in the media so it must be true.

    Even better, it’s now affecting Europe so climate change truly is global. Damned good thing I didn’t grill out this weekend, my dozen lumps of charcoal might have pushed Us over the edge

  19. There are videos being released of Algerian “migrants” firing RPG’s and fully auto rifles in France.

    Meanwhile, the sub-Saharan Africans are content to loot the stores.

    I’m literally LOLing.

  20. Camp of the Saints was written by a Frenchmann 50 years ago, for crying out loud. Doesn’t anybody read Sci fi anymore? Sink the ships!

  21. And while Paris and Marseille was burning…. Macron was at an Elton John concert.


  22. Oh, its getting even better.

    French cops have seized sniper rifles manufactured by Accuracy International from the Algerians, which were handed over to Ukraine last year.

    Hahaha hahaha!!!

  23. April. Poland supports Ukraine.

    June 14th. Russia moves tactical nukes to Belorus for ‘safe storage.’

    June 21. Wagner group marches on Moscow turns back when Belorus brokers deal with Putin.

    June 30. Head of Wagner group confirmed to be in Belorus.

    July 2. Belorus asks Wagner to train Belorus troops, builds camp for them.

    And where is Belorus? Smack in the middle between Poland and Ukraine.

    Real mutiny or disinformatzia to hide redeployment? 🤔

  24. Big, where did you come up with Belorus? It should be Belarus. There has never been an “o” in the name of that country, at least not in russian. The only alt spelling is Byelarus, inexplicably used by NICS database. And yes, I chuckled when I heard unit was reorganizing. To think Lukashenko goes to bathroom without checking with Vlad first means you have been asleep for the last 30 years… or a trollbot.

  25. Thanks for the correction. Jpa. Now if I could get my voice recognition program to accept it………

  26. Belarus is as tight with Russia as leas and carrots.

    10/10 if Biden’s handlers and NATO make a move, Belarus goes active.

    But I don’t for see that. NATO sees this is a lost cause, and they’re not even equipped with enough machines and ammo to make an attempted assault.

    Putin has used about 5% of his armed forces so far. He’s not used his most advanced equipment. He’s got no worries.

    Faggots and trannies only make up about 3% of US armed forces. Problem is, they’re in command positions.

    Weimerica is a fat, white grub, squirming in the hot sun…just waiting for a hawk to swoop in and snap them up.

  27. Putin has what he wants. He can sit back and shred the uke’s behind heavily fortified defensive positions.

    Some nitwits (Bike bubble coff coff) are calling for General Pickett to make a valiant charge.

    Lol. OK

  28. According to Wikipedia, it was acceptable to call Belarus “Byelorussia” in the West until the early 90s. That’s how I remember the name. I wonder where I picked it up? Maybe from reading Doctor Zhivago? Anyhow, I will refer to it as “Belarus” from now on.

  29. Formerly Belarus was not considered a nuclear power. Is it now? Who controls the Belarusan nukes?
    Just a few years ago, before covid, Russia basing some of its nukes in a foreign nation would have been a very big deal.
    Not these days.
    Who actually has confidence in Biden’s State Department? And why should they? Lots of rainbow flags? The masterful way that they handled the evacuation from Afghanistan?

  30. Some chick I’ve never heard of, is afraid the Supreme Court might ignore the will of the people’s elected representative to grab unrestricted power and make itself into a sort of super-legislature.

    Honey, you’re right but you’re about 220 years late. That ship has sailed. It was named “Marbury.”

    And it’s because of that power grab that the people’s elected representatives were overruled when we got stuck with unrestricted abortion and gay marriage. You’re not mad about the court grabbing power – you’re mad the power got grabbed back from your side. Not a good basis for setting national public policy.

  31. Big, you are correct, I completely forgot about “Byelorussia”. It went out of fashion after the decomposition of USSR. It was fashioned after Belorusskaya Republica. Without the Republic, Byelorussia disappeared.

    MP, I can tell you during USSR nukes were stationed in Belarus, just like they were in Ukraine. So who knows who has what, I am sure some missiles got “lost”.

  32. Now the INstapundit is stealing my lines:

    “BLOG COMMENT FROM YESTERDAY: “I get the feeling that our govt leaders and business leaders are sort of bored with keeping a great system and country running. They must do something transformative and sensational! Green! Pride! Equity! And so they wreck the system they were charged with running.”

    I think this desire for exceptional significance is an unfortunate hangover from the civil rights/Vietnam era, and I think the activism of that era was hangover jealousy of their parents’ generation’s World War II experience. Now it’s degenerated into causes that are basically fake.”

    Posted at 7:00 am by Glenn Reynolds

    Dude, I’ve been saying that for ages. Older generations defeated Hitler, ended slavery, votes for women, kids today have nothing to fight for. All the good causes are taken. So we fight for . . . pronouns?

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