Fake News?

Something doesn’t quite smell right about this story.

It’s a gay bar, dumping Bud Light over them, abandoning the Dylan Mulvaney campaign.

The stereotype of gay bar patrons is that they have impeccable taste.

We are talking Bud Light.

Anyone else seeing the problem here?

Of course, the lesson to companies is, or should be, “don’t get involved in the culture war. Because once you dip your toe in, there is no “middle ground“.

15 thoughts on “Fake News?

  1. Anyone else seeing the problem here?

    It says A-B products – not just Bud Lite. That would include, for example, Michelob, Stella Artois and the Goose Island beers. Strictly speaking, it would also include Modelo beer from Mexico which is now the biggest selling beer in America

    I’d say the problem is for the gay bar…

  2. What is a content creator?

    jdm, I think A-B was forced by anti-trust laws to divest from Modelo. I think.

  3. Not disagreeing – well, maybe a little bit,
    On June 12, 2008, The Wall Street Journal stated that Anheuser-Busch InBev, which owned a non-controlling 50% stake in the company, might attempt to acquire the remaining 50%. On June 29, 2012, it was announced that Anheuser-Busch InBev would acquire the remaining 50% stake for an all-cash price of $20.1 billion. On January 31, 2013, the US Department of Justice filed an antitrust suit in an attempt to prevent the buyout. The matter was settled, and the two companies merged in June 2013, with the transfer of all United States rights to Constellation Brands. As a result, all the company’s brands are made (in Mexico) by an unrelated company. In the United States, Grupo Modelo brands are distributed by Constellation Brands.


  4. “The stereotype of gay bar patrons is that they have impeccable taste.”

    They consume spuzz, ffs

  5. re: this whole Dylan Mulvaney thing.

    It’s just another stupid fad, kinda like the whole tattoo thing.

    Using that analogy to get a glimpse into the future: search on “tattoo regret”.

    25% of people who have gotten tattoos regret doing it. I will bet the trans thing yields a higher ratio of regret.

    Let loose the lawyers.

  6. GOP: “Vote for us!”

    Me: “Why?”

    GOP: “The left is destroying the country!”

    Me: “And what are you doing to stop it?”

    GOP: “Vote for us!”

    Me: “What are you doing to stop it?”

    GOP: “Vote for us!”

  7. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 06.20.23 : The Other McCain

  8. Blade, I got tired of that schtick 20+ years ago. Now any fundraiser caller from them gets an instaEND on the phone.

  9. The most ludicrous thing about this whole saga is that Bud Light was America’s best-selling beer. Sounds like they’re replacing bad beers with better beers. Moving from a college kegger beer to something better is a good thing.

  10. When I complain about moral decay in society, young people jeer, “Okay, Boomer.”

    The Boomers have a lot to answer for, but child molesting and genital mutilation were not values we endorsed, promoted, or insisted upon. We considered Corporal Klinger to be a joke, not a role model.

    Just wait until you have kids

  11. An old one, but…”Dylan Mulvaney now blackmailing corporations by threatening to endorse their products…”

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