Compare And Contrast

Fox9 – the laziest of the Twin Cities four TV stations – is suddenly concerned about “divisive rhetoric”.

“Jared Goyette” – never heard of him – cited a grab bag of more or less conservative statements absent any meaningful context, including one from Albertville Rep. Walter Hudson…

Speaking five days after Trump was indicted by a grand jury in Miami, Minnesota GOP Rep. Walter Hudson used militaristic rhetoric to describe Democrats in a speech to the Republican Seniors of Minnesota.

While making no reference to Trump, Hudson, who has a background in conservative talk radio and is known for his bombastic style, referred to Democrats as “unAmerican” and accused them of engaging in “demonic behavior.”

“You’re dealing with a party that has declared war upon you. The goal of modern Democrats is to conquer you. What do I mean by that? Conquer you? Think about what’s entailed in conquering a people. You’re physically displacing them, get out, go somewhere else,” he said.

…that was dishonestly wrenched out of context, as Hudson invites you to see for yourself, and which is in no way completely inaccurate, as we pointed out last week.

In the meantime – criticizing gender ideology is “Genocide”, according to gender ideologue and Woman of the Year Leigh Finke:

Not a word from Fox9 or Jared Goyette about that.

Still waiting for declarations of sympathy from Jews, Tutsi, Cambodians and Rohinga on the whole “genocide” thing.

16 thoughts on “Compare And Contrast

  1. Overly excited and ignorant accusations of “genocide” are standard issue DemoCommie-speak.

  2. The people who remove healthy sex organs from people are against genocide?
    Someone needs to hold a mirror up to these people. Someone needs to remind Leigh Finke, every day, that he is a man, an adult human male.

  3. If you do not celebrate a man’s decision to wear a dress and compete against girls, then it’s the same as if you stood transvestites against the wall to machine-gunned them.

    If you do not count all the absentee ballots, including the absentee ballots we just dumped here without any signature verification, then it’s the same as if you locked the precinct doors to prevent Black people from voting at all.

    When you disagree with my opinion it hurts my feelings, which is the same as if you knocked me upside the head.

    No, it’s really not. You want to know what it feels like to get knocked upside the head? Step over here and I’ll show you. Afterwards, you can make an informed decision as to whether they hurt the same. And if you’re still unclear, I’ll help you repeat the experiment as many times a you like, until it becomes clear to you.

    Because that’s just how much I care. I’m helpful that way.

  4. It’s all a very interesting (and depressing) process that starts with the presumption, the axiom that one’s gender is malleable and can change at a whim (literally).

    Because once that presumption is taken as a given, a bunch of other items arise in consequence, like, for example, making irreversible changes to children or not, and these then become the topics for discussion. As if everyone now agrees that gender is malleable.

    You have to kill these axioms from which the rest of the nutty theories are derived.

  5. There is a kerfuffle on Twitter involving Rogan, RFK, and a vaccine scientist named Peter Hotez. Rogan wants to setup a debate between a vaxxer (Hotez) and an anti-vaxxer (RFK). I don’t have any comment on this, other than it would be great if such a debate would begin by asking each of the debaters for a definition of a man and a woman (or male and female, whatever). Obviously, if someone wants to convince you of their authority to take on a scientific question, and they can’t define man and woman (using whatever terms they like), they are not acting in good faith.
    I have no idea what RFK’s take on that question would be, but Hotez has worked for or received grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and they have a habit of requiring grantees to sign a statement confirming the Foundation’s pro-LGBQT ideology.
    It would be interesting to watch a “scientist” squirm when attempting to answer the question.

  6. It is difficult to exaggerate the effects of grant-distributing foundations have on our public discourse. You want a grant from the Ford Foundation to produce Shakespeare in the Park in your town? Better have a DEI statement and action plan.
    Completely the opposite of democracy, and eagerly embraced by the usual suspects who are constantly whining about threats to “our democracy.”

  7. It would be interesting to watch a “scientist” squirm when attempting to answer the question

    It would be interesting, yes, but seeing him, um, coughropecough, er, coughcoughlamppolecoughcough, would be more fitting… but you didn’t hear anything from me.

  8. The Uke’s are “pausing” their offensive campaign, to “reevaluate tactics”.


  9. The US hasn’t fought a “must win” war since 1776. Win or lose each war, the US would have gone on, maybe without a few overseas possessions. The Uke’s and the Russians have fought wars of national survival for centuries. We really do not know what we are messing with.

  10. The Uke’s will survive. They will just do it without the Donbass, Crimea or NATO

  11. Maybe the pro-Ukraine people could explain to me how the best solution to the Russo-Ukraine War would be Ukraine taking back Crimea when most of its inhabitants would prefer to be part of Russia.

  12. Russia’s been doing ethnic cleansing on the Ukrainians and Tatars who have historically inhabited Crimea for a long time, and Crimea also voted for independence from the USSR. So let’s not confuse the status quo with a just solution.

    Reason that the best solution would be to have Ukraine retain Crimea–and kick the Russian Navy out of Sevastapol, too–is because it would be an emphatic rebuke to those who support Putin. Plus, it’s what the Russians themselves agreed to not too far back. More or less “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” sort of thing.

  13. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 06.19.23 : The Other McCain

  14. Sounds great, Mr. Bubble. That’s what will happen, probably.


    But let’s wait until rAT checks in, he’s got a Masters in foreign relations and military history.

  15. The West was really dumb in waiting so long to deliver serious armaments to Kiev. Had they started doing it right from the beginning instead of waiting almost a year and letting the Russians from digging in, Ukraine would probably have retaken the invaded territories by now.

    The “YeAh BuT tHe rED liNEs!” argument was nonsense from Swift and Woolly.

    Moscow only considers strength, and they manipulate and make use of every weakness western countries show, including hesitation when it comes to helping Ukraine. Ukraine needs our help and we need to supply what Ukraine wants to stand up to the bully. Beat the invader back and Ukrainians and we all will have peace.

  16. ^^When Emery says
    The West” he is talking about foreign policy wiz Slow Joe Biden.

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