There Is No Target But Target

To: Target Corp
From: Mitch Berg, Obstreporouis Peasant
Re: Your Descent Into Totalitarianism


I started boycotting you a couple weeks ago, over the whole “grooming little kids” thing.

Truth be told, it’s been pretty easy.

And it just got easier:

I’d be creeped out of a company required employees to be Christian conservatives – but nobody, not even the dreaded Chik-Fil-A, actually does that.

Forcing political compliance on employees?

Yet another reason Minnesota needs to suck it up and elect an actual Attorney General.

Oh, yeah – not spending a dime with you for the duration.

What is the duration? That’s up to you.

That is all.

UPDATE: A friend of the blog emails:

The only significant difference between working for Target and joining a cult is that Target doesn’t kill you if you try to leave (Yet)

I was thinking something more like the French Catholics chasing the Huguenots out of the country

31 thoughts on “There Is No Target But Target

  1. Watch the head bobble in agreement.

    Heads do that when there is nothing in them.

  2. That’s funny stuff. Running off existing, tenured employees when they can’t hire enough people in the first place. The woke crowd that they cater to, doesn’t want to work. They’re just looking for more gubmint checks and giveaways.

    On another note, the scams have already started. Two of my small customers, both having about 30 employees, have already overheard some employees talking about taking advantage of the DemoCommies new time off policies.

  3. I’ve been retired for a few years now, so maybe I missed something. Wouldn’t you think that the job of a VP of Human Resources is attract *and keep* employees?

  4. I worked for Target for 11 years. They have a lot of unsavory employment practices; they are especially fond of running off people before they turn 40 (age discrimination). We used to say it was a variant of “Logan’s Run,” because once you reach that point they would put you to death. It was easy to do, because they would hire a squadron of MBAs from Big Ten universities every year to replace the unfortunate worker bees.

    To be fair (more than they ever were to many of us), the one data point against Target that is not true concerns the Salvation Army. Target never allowed the SA to ring bells on their properties for a very good reason; if they allowed outside parties to solicit, they could not prevent the UCFW from organizing onsite. I was involved in those discussions when I worked there.

  5. Run the workers off by age 40, because it’s not like experience matters, and it’s not like people who’ve been running supply chains for 15 years might have great ways of improving it. Certainly it’s not like Target has trouble keeping shelves stocked in a way that Wal-Mart does not.

    Oh, wait.

    Count me also among those who don’t have trouble eschewing Target. The main thing that’s different is that it’s hard to get decent chocolate (e.g. Lindt) as cheaply as there. Otherwise….why bother?

  6. Yep, easier now than ever. I really don’t need Target at all. Menards suffices quite well as do other places. I rarely bought any clothes at target and will not even think about it any longer. Look at these ‘women’ in this tweet….it is THIS TYPE of women that is helping to destroy our social values/country. Disgusting ugly people and as you say Mitch, makes it even easier to never step foot in target again.

  7. Beatings will stop when morale improves, right? On similar note, Bud Light Co-Sponsoring ‘All Ages’ Drag Party — ‘Family Festival Event’

    jdm, you silly goose! he job of a VP of Human Resources is attract *and keep* employees? That has never, ever been the their job! HR exists to implement HQ policies and make sure corner offices are compensated well above their abilities. I have never, ever, seen an HR that actually cared about worker bees – all the way down to refusing to address sexual harassment and pay discrimination. They were the ones who made sure the victim was fired and perp got a promotion.

  8. A target letter is serious business (Trump). Less so a Target letter (🎯) which is what they send to Matt Gaetz most DFLers [1] to remind him of his promise to wear pants in the toy aisle from now on.

    [1] Mitch here. You wanna make stuff up, I’m gonna make it fun for me.

  9. When your ideology is more important than your shareholders. More important than your customers. More important than your employees.

    Just think how that applies to “voters”.

  10. ^ What does this even mean?

    It means ChatGFY a/k/a Fluffy has nothing to offer on this topic. It also suggests our troll is paid by the word.

  11. Just for the hell of it I decided to see how easy it would be to avoid shopping at Target this month. It’s really not that difficult. I see it was a good choice.

  12. NW, go woke, go broke. It will be very interesting to see what will happen to NASCAR. If we cannot expect taxpayer revolt, maybe there will be a shareholder revolt.

  13. I don’t know if the Corporate Equity Index (CEI) people believe their own bullshit. CEI is sold as producing more, not less, shareholder value by using a “secret sauce” that better determines a corporation’s profitability by taking woke social assumptions into account.
    I am serious. These knuckleheads say that really believe that enforcing racial and sex quotas in a corporate hiring means you will make more money.

  14. Remember Governor Dayton (heir to the Dayton/Target fortune) telling Saint Cloud residents to leave?

    Same message, same attitude, different words.

    Are major retailers committing suicide because they’re idiots? Because they are ideologues? Or because they are being pressured by banks to improve their ESG score and if so, who’s behind that push and how do we stop at?

  15. Just for the hell of it I decided to see how easy it would be to avoid shopping at Target this month.

    I find that an amazing statement. Seriously, what is it you, or anyone else, goes to Target to buy that you cannot get a dozen other places? Certainly not groceries.

    From my observation, it seems people go to big box retailers out of force of habit, to buy crappy shit you really don’t need, and won’t last a year; it’s an expensive addiction. In fact, here is a fun project. Next time you buy that new shitty Chinese item you thought you *had* to have, write down the day you bought it. One year from then, look at it and consider whether you really did need that thing…if it has not already been tossed into the trash.

    We have not gone to a Target or Walmart type retailer for at least 5 years. If we need a thing, we purchase it from a local retailer, or online from the manufacturer (never Amazon). I honestly couldn’t tell you what the inside of a Target even looks like anymore.

  16. Overall market is all green today and Target is down another 1%+ today…tisk tisk tisk….Target Corporation (TGT)

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  17. “Emery on June 8, 2023 at 9:06 am said:
    A target letter is serious business (Trump). Less so a Target letter (🎯) which is what they send to Matt Gaetz to remind him of his promise to wear pants in the toy aisle from now on.”

    GAWD your a loathsome bitch.

  18. BTW, as the HQ build for my shitty little hog enterprise on the swamp nears, we decided to put our city house on the market. We put it online, because my wife has a realtors license. 14 hours later, it is sold. For full asking price, close in 30 days, not contingent on securing a mortgage, and with no relator fees…she gone, boys. The farm/hunting property goes next, after we harvest our food.

    Best part? Didn’t sell it to some fucking scumbag from up North, or California. Promised my neighbors I wouldn’t have some degenerate trash move in next door, and I didn’t.

    Been stringing wire underground, and placing security cameras last couple weekends. Septic goes in next week. We will be in residence before winter.

    I’m creating a blog, for my family mostly, to document the build. I’ll share it with y’all, too.

  19. When you’re a lefty, you just lie. Whatever you like the sound of, is true. Whatever you don’t like the sound of is false.

    Remember when the walls were closing in on Gaetz?

    Hey troll, what crime was Gaetz convicted of? Nothing at all you say? My word, from your post I had thought he was a pedo like gropey joe, who showered with his DAUGHTER!

    Ban hammer Mitch, please.

  20. When you’re a lefty, you just lie.

    That is so true, Kinlaw. Every stinking lefty that has ever showed up here, with the exception of AngryClown, has been, first and foremost, a fucking liar. It’s like breathing for them; they don’t even realize they’re doing it. I say that because, if they did, they’d realize everyone knows they’re doing it, and would disappear.

    And remember, this behavior isn’t relegated to online comment threads; this is how the scumbags live 24/7. They are literally garbage people.

  21. “Seriously, what is it you, or anyone else, goes to Target to buy that you cannot get a dozen other places? Certainly not groceries.”

    Yeah, mostly groceries. It’s conveniently nearby and the prices for what I consume are competitive or less. But, gotta go when the shelves aren’t empty and that’s getting harder to do.

  22. It’s long since jumped the shark.
    Less so a Target letter (🎯) which is what they send to Slow Joe Biden to remind him of his promise to wear pants in the toy aisle from now on.”
    See what I did there?

  23. TKS is correct. I typically compare the weekly stuff that we buy, WalMart, Target and Cub, are all within 20 cents of each other. I do pay attention to KwikTrip and Holiday, because they typically run good specials on bread and dairy products, which are the same quality as the previously mentioned stores sell.

  24. I always thought Cub was shit, especially the produce. We shopped at Lunds. Cost more? Sure. But me and my family have always been worth the cost.

    Down here in God’s country, we have several quality grocers available. Aldi, Lidl, Lowes (like Lunds), Harris Teeter, Food Lion and Publix…they’re all very good.

    Of course, none meet the quality of the food we grow ourselves. 😎

  25. It strikes me that I’ve been, for the most part, avoiding most of the big box stores for decades simply because I was not impressed with the products there. It’s been a sad reality as well that the list of stores that I avoid for the most part is growing, as more and more of them seem to have the notion that their next monster profit will be as they increasingly stock poor quality (lower cost) products.

    It also strikes me that this may have a lot to do with why these stores are increasingly eager to alienate customers; if you don’t have competitive or superior products, you’ve got to do other things for marketing.

    Hence political stunts. Same thing applies for Bug Light. It’s a horrible beer, so they have to do a lot of stunts to get sales.

  26. BB- “wife calls off Target boycott 5 minutes after walking into Walmart….”

  27. jimf: true. The degree to which shopping at Wal-Mart is depressing needs to be observed to be believed.

  28. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 06.09.23 : The Other McCain

  29. Pingback: Some Questions Are Just Impossible To Answer | Shot in the Dark

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