4 thoughts on “Discretion

  1. A site mocking Southwest airlines pandering woke policies states:

    “Here at Southwoke, we’re fully committed to DEI, ESG, LGTBQ+, BLM, BIPOC, Allyship, #MeToo and every other trendy woke acronym or hashtag you can think of.”

  2. Speaking of virtue signaling…

    A story which appears to break an important wartime media shibboleth that any critical examination of Ukraine is implicit support for Russia has been published in the New York Times, as it discusses the difficulties of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi-symbol-wearing frontline fighters.

  3. One has to wonder how amusing, or horrific, it would be if somebody “snuck” those other logos into those countries. “Oopsie, we really didn’t intend for you to see this…”

  4. Still waiting for someone to demand an islamic baker to bake the gay cake.

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