I Take The Punches I Can’t Slip, And I Give ‘Em Right Back

To: Steve Van Zandt
From: Mitch Berg, Irascible Peasant and Longtime Fan
Re: I’ll Meet You Halfway


Earlier this week, you got into a bit of a flap over this:

You removed the tweet, but followed up saying that you meant “exterminate at the ballot box”, although you delivered it with all the subtle grace of Sean Penn on a three day bender.

But hey, I’ll meet you halfway. Ask Sarah Palin what it’s like, having something that was meant one way passed off as something completely different. That’s politics.

And given the number of unstable, armed people on your side of the political aisle, perhaps you should moderate your tone a bit.

But while others focus on your original rhetoric, I’m going to roast you for this:

It’s one of an endless series of tweets in your feed where you refer to Republicans as some variant of stupid.

Some of us sure are.

But none of us ever put “Princess of Little Italy” on an otherwise perfect record.

Humility is in order.

That is all.

(CLOSED CIRCUIT: Comments to the effect of “Why do you listen to music from people who hate you” will be mocked and taunted. We’ve been through this).

12 thoughts on “I Take The Punches I Can’t Slip, And I Give ‘Em Right Back

  1. I always cringe when I see him put a lip lock on a microphone with the Boss. All I can think of is what his breath has got to smell like.

  2. Watched ‘Springsteen on Broadway’ the other night. I can’t think of a popular music artist who has evolved so much and performed at such a high level for so many years. With most performers, a Broadway retrospective would seem self-indulgent; with Springsteen, it seems almost necessary, a service to his fans.

  3. Hi Steve,
    Say, I read your tweet about exterminating the brutes er…. Republicans and comparing us to cockroaches. Just wanted to introduce myself as someone who you would exterminate/eliminate. I have been a beloved wife of 47 years, mother of 3 brilliant and beautiful daughters and a grandma. i have a feeling that if we sat down together and talked we would find much common ground. I am a person but i understand that stripping away my humanness and likening me to a cockroach or maggot makes it easier for you to vilify us-after all we are simply vermin. For all your blessings in life, you are a sad, bitter and angry man. I will pray for you after I have hugged my family and laughed with my friends.

  4. The American left always projects. They scream about the ever descending (but never landing)(I borrowed that from our host here) wave of right wing violence, cry about hateful rhetoric, but in the end it all comes from the left.

  5. This wretched slob is resting his balls on your chin, Mitch, but you don’t mind, because you like the slapping sound they make as he skull fucks you. Can’t help but tap your toes in time.

    This is completely consistent neo-con behavior.

  6. I believe one of the epithets for Jews in Nazi Germany was cockroaches. Normally I ignore the liberal ravings of artists and musicians, but Stevie has crossed a line.

  7. This wretched slob is resting his balls on your chin, Mitch, but you don’t mind

    “How to win friends and influence people”.

    Bullshit, Swiftee.

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