9 thoughts on “Career Opportunity

  1. does it count if your conclusion is right but for the wrong reason
    he is right that civilization as we know it is about to end
    but not because of overpopulation
    because of intentional devolution
    to a lower form of civilization
    that relies not on petrol
    or even on wood but
    on wishful thinking
    and fear for the
    few who survive
    in the mut huts
    and caves

  2. “As the result of continuing increases in crop productivity, the world has reached peak agricultural land which means that more land will be freed up to revert to nature as the century evolves. ”


    Oh, wait; Reason magazine…lol 🤡

    Neo-cons crumble/
    Where does M Berg go to now?/

  3. Static analysis is a staple of small minds, especially “experts.”

    Food is a good example. Ehrlich explicitly assumed no change and that people would willing walk to the grave. Some folks took exception to that and decided to innovate and lo and behold, the problem went away.

    And it’s not just food. Remember “Peak Oil?” Oil was getting scarce, folks decided to innovate, and it became plentiful until the Incompetent In Chief decided to not produce as much as we could. It could be plentiful now, “we” just choose not to allow that.

  4. “Reason” is a libertarian magazine. It’s useful for lols, but not much else

  5. The Libertarian Party, and especially Reason magazine, are funded by donors who make their money from dope and porn, and it shows.
    We aren’t talking about principled political thinkers here.

  6. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 01.05.23 : The Other McCain

  7. nerdbert;
    The term “Fossil Fuels” was actually coined by John D. Rockefeller back when he founded Standard Oil. He wanted it to imply scarcity to drive sales. Of course, he also decried competition as unconstitutional.

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