Cranking The Screws

If it seemed to you that the Administration and Dems jammed down the “Inflation Reduction Act” – an agglomeration of “Build Back Battered“ and “Green New Deal“ policies – really really hard?

You were probably right. It’s because people are losing interest in “climate change“:

mericans are less concerned now about how climate change might impact them personally — and about how their personal choices affect the climate — than they were three years ago, a new poll shows, even as a wide majority still believe climate change is happening…Overall, 35% of U.S. adults say they are “extremely” or “very” concerned about the impact of climate change on them personally, down from 44% in August 2019. Another third say they are somewhat concerned. Only about half say their actions have an effect on climate change, compared with two-thirds in 2019.

The story is, in fact, more climatemongery, and goes on to try to re-bury the lede – but between the lines, the message is there; other priorities are taking over for people in the real world, outside the upper-middle-class progressive bubble.

And if people ever make the connection between the output of the “green/sustainable/equitable“ mafia policies, and the depression in their standard of living, that’s going to be a big problem for the greens.

Poor people don’t solve problems.

21 thoughts on “Cranking The Screws

  1. Biden quietly gets on with achieving policy change, while Republicans call for disbanding/defunding the FBI.

  2. Quiet? there was nothing quiet about surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban. There were explosions and everything.

  3. Biden quietly gets on with achieving policy change, while Republicans call for disbanding/defunding the FBI.

    If a law enforcement agency shows political bias, it’s time to yank the purse strings, and hard!

    The Biden sycophants like Emery will finds it hard for Biden to enforce policy change without enforcement agencies answerable to Congressional oversight. If messing with their cash-flow is what it takes for them to enforce laws equally, so be it.

  4. Lol emetic, why not just go with the lamestream mediot who asked the WH spokeshole how gropey joe was going to leverage his “string of wins”.

    Rasing taxes during a recession, dumping money into

  5. Dumb computer.

    Dumping money into an inflationary economy. One year anniversary of the Afghan debacle. Too many more wins and we’ll be done as a country.

  6. As of today, 538 puts Biden at 40.2% approve, 55.2% disapprove.
    The same elites who wrecked the world economy and introduced violent social unrest with covid restrictions are 100% behind the climate change hysteria.
    You have a serious problem when Joe Public says the most serious problems facing the country are inflation and crime and the elites running the country think the biggest problems are climate change and racial inequity.

  7. Global Werming is sooooo passe… It’s Gerbil Change, dontchanow? Werming is bad, curling is bad, the only thing good is constant temp. Constant, dammit! All scientists are in consensus – weather… does… not… exist… and sun has no, ZERO effect on gerbil temps.

    to wit:

    Source: NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice Chart

    Snowfan here zooms in on the chart for greater detail and reports that for this date, ice extent in the Arctic stands at a 12-year high:
    (snip chart)
    It would be accurate to say that Al Gore’s prediction has turned out to be on par from what you’d expect from a swindling fortune teller reading tea leaves and a crystal ball.

  8. Re: Liz Cheney

    I may be old-fashioned but there is some honor in putting principles above interests. Never ceases to amaze me how the GOP have synchronized their fall into a morass of popular cakeism driven by looney libertarian ideology. No morals left at all, as they feel they can say anything they want to either keep, or attain power.

  9. I may be old-fashioned but there is some honor in putting principles above interests.

    I may be old-fashioned too, like abiding by the principle the accused mounting a vigorous defense by selecting their own advocates, cross-examining witnesses and being allowed to examine evidence before it is presented by the prosecution.

    Apparently, the ex-representative from Wyoming values none of these things.

  10. The only principle animating Liz Cheney is preservation of the ol’ family rice bowl.

  11. Emery thinks that Cheney’s job in the house is to represent Liz Cheney.
    Kind of makes you wonder what the Hell Emery thinks democracy means? It certainly doesn’t mean Liz Cheney ignoring her constituents’ wishes. It don’t mean the Dems telling Republicans who they can and cannot vote for.

  12. Snap question: No cheating by looking it up.

    If you were to stack a pile of pennies, one flat on the other, how many pennies would you stack to represent how high the oceans rise every year?
    Two pennies or 3mm.
    Now, how many pennies would you stack to represent what could, not can, be attributed to human induced warming of the seas and subsequent sea level rise?
    One penny laid flat or 1.5mm, since sea level has been rising on average 1.5mm since the Little Ice Age – therefore only the remaining 1.5mm could, not can, be attributed to mankind.

    Although the physics of CO2 are rock solid and yes burning fossil fuels attributes to warming, other factors do too, like land-use changes, some human caused, others natural.

  13. The off-spring of the swampiest of swamp creatures hates Trump.

    Bingo…Liz was raised on the mother’s milk of crony capitalism and Neo-con war mongering. Of course her sister rebelled and sought nipples outside the home, but that’s a story for another time.

  14. Ha! Yea, Emery, she has a lot of standards: double standards. Her husband works for the law firm that, in addition to being a major donor to the DemoCommies, is defending Crack Boy Hunter. No conflict of interest there, heh Em?!

    And I’m still waiting to use the arctic clothing that I bought a couple of years ago, expecting the ice age that my high school biology teacher warned us back in 1971, would happen by the year 2000. I should have sold it after Al “Carbon Credit” Gore predicted that the polar ice cap would be gone by 2010. Good thing I couldn’t find a buyer.

  15. So, the degenerate press is going with “Yeah, Liz got squashed like a bug, but she’s still a potent voice!!”

    lol, no.

    Her daddy had three times her political clout, and he faded into the woodwork. The degenerates contributed to her windmill tilting more as a middle finger to Trump than an effort to keep her afloat. Now that she’s of no use they will drive their short bus over her.

    And she won’t be able to buy a cup of coffee in Wyoming.

  16. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.17.22 (Afternoon Edition) : The Other McCain

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