Maybe He’ll Give Up Umbrella Man!

10 year sentence – a downward departure from sentencing guidelines by nearly half – in the burning of a Minneapolis pawn shop during the George Floyd riots:

Black Lives Matter rioter Montez Terriel Lee Jr., of Rochester, New York, was sentenced Friday to 120 months in federal prison for his role in burning down a Minneapolis pawn shop during the destructive George Floyd riots in May 2020.

Lee had previously pleaded guilty in July 2021 to a single count of arson in connection with a fire that destroyed the Max It Pawn Shop on Lake St. at 2726 E. Lake St. He admitted to starting the fire on May 28, 2020, which is now considered one of many arson incidentsthat happened during the summer riots.

Oddly, the article doesn’t list which white supremacist group he was part of

10 thoughts on “Maybe He’ll Give Up Umbrella Man!

  1. Hey, I’m just glad he was tried for the crime. To be totally honest, that’s a nice change.

  2. Remember Edwards slogan “there are two Americas”? He got his wish. Rule of law? There is no more rule of law – that is applied equally. Funny how that is turning out to be the overriding theme in more than half of the threads.

  3. Oath boys? Proud keepers?
    Q? R? S?

    Hell the only people who talk about any of these groups (average group size: a few dozen) are the left and the mediots (birm)

  4. The judge in this case is a name that we should all recognize from the last few years, Wilhelmina Wright.
    OTOH, the prosecutor is a lawyer that should be a public defender. The PROSECUTOR argued for the downward departure because he didn’t view the actions to be a part of a riot. Instead they were merely part of a protest and were the defendants attempt to have his voice heard.

  5. MP posted a snippet within the last month or so, which I knew I should have saved, but didn’t. And now going back thru the blog posts for about a month, I cannot find it. It was a sentence from a Big Academia link, that said in effect: The racialzed damage done to convicted minority perpetrators outweighs the suffering of the victim.

    It explains so much when you look at the results of today’s justice system. Especially recent court decisions by Judge Regina Chu.

  6. Following up on Bill C’s comment . . .

    We were told the nation needed Sotomayer on the Supreme Court because we needed her Wise Latina perspective. So that means judges bring their perspective with them to their rulings.

    The bios of Minnesota judges are available on-line on the Courts website. Interesting variety of backgrounds means they bring an interesting variety of perspectives to their rulings, right? Diversity of thought?

    Or are they all bringing the same perspective – the Tim Walz, Mark Dayton, DFL Central Committee, appointing authority perspective – regardless of what jobs they held before going on the bench? That would explain a lot, too.

  7. Diversity of thought?

    Funny, JD. When you’re a mindless moron (er, Wise Latina), it’s your gender (or not), race, color, sexual orientation, and political party that *inform* your thoughts.

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