Bouncing Society’s Rubble

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Headed toward another government shutdown because Democrats won’t defend the border.

I’d be more concerned about a government shutdown – women and children hardest hit – except everybody is already dead from the end of net neutrality, or soon to be dead from global climate change, so at this point, what difference does it make?

Small bit of comedy in the article: “The House and Senate used to pass annual appropriation bills, and the president signed them into law.”  Yeah, that was when we had a thing called “budgets.”  Democrats did away with them: too confining, too oppressive, and they never liked math anyway.


But since most government spending is on autopilot, really, what difference does it make at this point?

8 thoughts on “Bouncing Society’s Rubble

  1. Trump “found” $16 billion to pay off farmers who were affected by his tariffs. Why can’t he find the $5 billion for his wall? Answer: He would rather have a public confrontation and resort to blackmail, then claim it is all the Democrat’s fault. This is Trump at his reality show best. Inflammatory rhetoric and trying to scapegoat anyone else for the damage he leaves in his wake.

  2. From the Daily Caller – link in next message:

    Congress is set to kick the can and pass a short-term funding bill to keep the government open until early February, seemingly surrendering on the idea of funding a southern border wall. Congressman Gohmert is not happy about this. He sees the wall as Trump’s “read my lips” moment, his fundamental campaign promise, which is why Democrats are opposing it so fervently. Once Democrats got former President George H.W. Bush to break his “no new taxes” pledge, it was over for him. Gohmert sees the wall the same way, that Democrats won’t support it because not building one will be the president breaking a promise. That’s why Louie is so adamant that the president should not sign any bill that doesn’t contain $5 billion for the wall.

  3. It’s weird how the GOP hard right wants funding for one of Trump’s “signature campaign promises”, when the signature campaign promise was that Mexico would pay for a wall.

    The Republican Freedom Caucus should go back to trump, tell him to find a way for Mexico to pay for the wall. That was his promise as a candidate. Don’t blame Congress for something that he said Mexico was responsible for.

  4. I must admit, at times my disability interferes with my ability to perform ordinary functions, such as reading Emery’s comments.

    You see, I suffer from memory. I was subjected to a rigorous education back in the days when students were expected to learn things including a lot of dead white guy mansplaining. The persistence of my memory is a hardship when reading Liberal bloviating because I keep getting sidetracked by things I remember from. One, in particular, is: Cui Bono?

    Democrats are dead-set on keeping the border open so thousands of low skill, low education welfare seekers can sign up to vote for Democrats. That makes perfect sense. What makes no sense is why RINOs and Establishment Republicans would go along with it? How do they benefit?

  5. By your logic, why should the GOP fund the border wall? In a month they can blame the lack of wall on the Democrats.

    Americans are too uninformed to realize that the GOP could write the bill now and have it pass as they control the House and the Senate. However the GOP is much better at pointing to problems as opposed to solving them.

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