7 thoughts on “Place Your Bets

  1. Already heard Franken and Wellstone! mentioned in the same sentence in an MPR story this morning…

    (does that now mean we’ll have Franken! eyesores littering bumpers for years to come?)

  2. I like to think of it as the James Shields seat.

    At least Shields defeated Stonewall Jackson in battle and challenged Lincoln to a duel.

  3. “Franken!” looks less like a political bumpersticker in the style of Wellstone!… but more like the text of Col. Hall calling for or reprimanding Sgt. Bilko.

    Or Jerry Lewis calling whining for Dean.

  4. Since we most likely won’t see or hear from the little carpetbagger until the Summer of 2014, does it matter?

  5. If, and this is a big if…

    If the local newspapers, radio hosts, and television news reporters and anchors (as they are) comment about as much as they did when Governor Turnbuckle was in town and in office there’s a slight possibility of a similar response on the part of Franken!

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