
120 years ago, when you went into a general or dry goods or grocery store, you went to the counter, got hold of a clerk, and gave or related a list of what you wanted. That clerk would then run around the shelves in back and bring the order up front, ring it up, and send you on you way.

The bottleneck is obvious. Shopping speed is limited by the number and speed of the clerks available.

So a little over 100 years ago, when the chain now known as “A&P” rolled out a model where the customer could walk through the aisles and “pick” the order themselves, and get it rung up by dedicated cashiers when they were good ‘n ready, removing the bottleneck? It revolutionized shopping. The old fasioned “Warehouse PIcker” model pretty much disappeard.

Until now.

A new Walgreens concept being tested in Chjcago brings back the “General Store” model, with a thin veneer of technology to cover that 19th century smell:

In what was once a typical Walgreens, there are now just two short aisles of so-called “essentials” where “customers may shop for themselves.” If you want anything else—a bottle of booze, a deodorant brand deemed “non-essential”—you’ll need to order it at a kiosk and pick it up at the counter.

After undergoing a few weeks of construction, the store reopened on Tuesday. The pharmacy is in the back and to the left, equipped with a fancy new kiosk system of its own. An employee will teach you how to use it.

To the right, gated by anti-shoplifting devices to protect the inventory, two rows of low-rise shelves offer a very limited selection of those so-called “essentials.” Unlike the tall shelves you’re used to seeing in your neighborhood Walgreens, this store’s shelves are no more than five feet tall, giving everyone a clear look at what everyone else is up to…After placing your order, a plastic-framed sign next to the computer instructs, you should “relax while we shop for you.” When your order is ready, head to the pickup/FedEx/Western Union counter to claim your goods.

It’s because of crime, of course.

Democrat governance – dragging us back to the middle ages, a century and an industry at a time.

62 thoughts on “De-Evolution

  1. I have met Blade. I believe that he is a serious man.
    More than one person uses the “Emery” moniker. I don’t think Emery is a bullet proof as he believes.
    As for banning Emery, I am about 50-50 certain that at least one of the people commenting on the Emery account is the old SITD commenter Dog Gone, who was banned from SITD years ago for discussing MBerg’s kids.

  2. Kinlaw

    Nobody needs to flatter themselves.

    I literally don’t have time to play hall monitor in the comment section.

  3. If I did have a blog it’d probably go something like this….

    Berg says: (Twitter)
    “NORMIES: Clinton and Trump allegedly committed the same crime. A just system would treat them the same.

    MORONS: hAh. TaHtz WhUtABoutISm!

    NORMIES: Nope. It’s fighting creeping Bananarepublicism. Why you support banana republic style government?

    MORONS: yEr tEh GrOOmer!”

    Emery says:
    Before any right wingers start up with their “but other people had documents” nonsense, allow me to point out the distinctions:

    Pence: “I have classified documents. My bad! The FBI can come and get them.”

    Biden: “I have classified documents. My bad! The FBI can come and get them.”

    Trump: “I don’t have any documents at all, and I never did, except for the ones that I do, which I don’t. And what I have is my property, so the DOJ committed a crime by taking them back, even though I didn’t have them. I’m the victim here, because now they’re telling everyone what I had, even though I didn’t. And keeping classified and top secret documents isn’t illegal, even if it’s against the law. I didn’t do all of the things I did.”

    So, the situations aren’t identical.

  4. You’re right troll, the situations are not similar: Trump didn’t take $10,000,000.00 from the Ukrainians.

  5. Bottom line…the majority of people are happy. The outrage comes from a small number of his followers. I use the word followers not supporters. The country isn’t divided 50/50 between MAGA Republicans and everyone else. The far right is just that… the idea that ~30% of Americans that are sympathetic to or supportive of right wing conspiracy theories and anti-democratic policy ideas isn’t a sign of a burgeoning movement.

  6. You could say that locked up sundries in shops are the collision between capitalism and wokism. Wokism demands that the people most likely to commit crimes not be prosecuted for committing crimes. Capitalism says that the corporation needs to make money. So the compromise is that the criminal class will be prevented from stealing by denying the opportunity to steal by locking things up.
    But this is just a temporary accommodation. Soon, if not already, the woke commissars will notice that shops in poor areas (black) lock up their merchandise, and do not lock up their merchandise in more affluent areas (whites). The woke, you see, wouldn’t mind a world where the poor could steal what they liked from Walmart, and the more affluent would subsidize this by paying higher prices.

  7. A similar thing is going on with the statues of “troublesome” historical figures being removed from public spaces in the US & Britain. Why are they being stored rather than destroyed? If they are stored, they might be returned.
    Not acceptable. The Year Zero means the Year Zero.

  8. My understanding is that they are going to release the evidence of Biden’s crimes right after they release the evidence for the existence of WMD in Iraq, The evidence for 2020 election fraud, the evidence that Antifa and the FBI were behind January 6th, and their health care plan.

    I can’t wait.

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