Never Forget

Polls – and the current performance of the DeSantis campaign – shows that, whether from fatigue or bigger fish to fry, Covid just isn’t that big an issue for most people.

That’s a shame.

In the interest of making sure, to the best of my ability, that nobody forgets, here’s what Democrats were thinking…

…not one week into the pandemic, but in their unhinged hysteria 22 months later.

A third believed the unvaccinated should lose their children.

Of all the history – relevant and otherwise – that people barber on about while taking politics, the fact that this bit of the recent past is downright galling.

58 thoughts on “Never Forget

  1. COVID politics will keep bubbling under the surface. People like us will never forget. Those that supported lockdowns will put it in the rearview mirror, and other than that article suggesting a COVID Amnesty, they won’t even acknowledge how divisive COVID politics were. They will never acknowledge how wrong they were either. And without them acknowledging their error, apologizing for their hubris and tyranny, people like me will continue to never forget and never forgive.
    They may forget and move on, but like Pepperidge Farms, I’ll remember.

  2. Lose their children? To whom? There’s no money for orphans or adoption, that’s not a public spending priority. We know this because The Emery Collective keeps insisting we hold Bake Sales for Babies instead of chopping them up for parts. What did these Democrats plan to do with all those Children of Domestic Biological Terrorists?

    Oh wait, didn’t I just read a news article about child sex trafficking and how the administration has “lost” tens of thousands of immigrant kids? Maybe that was the plan – call the pizza parlor and place your order, to be delivered by Social Services in an unmarked van. After all, they’re Bad Seeds, children of Bad People, so they deserve whatever they get. Who will miss them?

    I forgot how compassionate and caring the Left can be. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Great post, Mitch. It’s funny how often just a simple rendering of facts is itself a strong argument.

  4. As good as Mitch’s post is, the Bigman’s comment above is even better. Brilliant!

  5. Is the only way to report (and hope for a delete of) a threadjack through that link up above?

  6. Mitch: thoughtful analysis
    SITD: relevent commentary
    Emery: TRUMP!

    What’s that syndrome where the mentally ill person barks out words without control or context?

  7. jdm, at least there should be a word count rule for trollbots. Just a thought…

  8. Oooh, delightful, Mr D. Looks much better. As well as improving on the content. Thanks.

  9. “There’s a method to my methane.”

    but no manners, or meaning, just mendacious maundering.

  10. Our elite institutions have lost the trust of about half of Americans. It will take a long time to earn it back.
    Throughout the covid epidemic the CDC displayed nothing but incompetence and mendacity. Americans now know that “public health” might mean sacrificing their personal health based on modeled data created in secrecy.

  11. MMP,
    The problem is that the Institutions don’t care about the half of the Country that lost trust. The Institutions refuse to acknowledge their mistakes. Until that happens, they cannot improve and trust cannot be regained.

  12. Yes, SmithStCrx, but the half that still has confidence in the cdc will shrink. The number of Americans who do not trust the CDC does not. Trust is easy to lose, hard to gain.

  13. Trust? We don’t need no stinking trust. That’s what force is for. Do as we say, or else.

    Oh, not our force. We don’t shoot people who disobey. That would be illegal. No, we’ll quietly make contact with your employer, and insurer, and lender, and banker. We’ll mention to them that it would be a shame if their business had to be investigated for conspiring with domestic terrorists, and how sad it would be if all their assets were frozen because they continued to do business with you.

    It’s like social media. We don’t censor. We suggest. And if the social media company voluntarily decides to do something, that’s nothing to do with us.

    Citizens of a representative democracy need to be able to trust their institutions. Subjects of an aristocracy need only obey.

  14. Wow, has abortion come up in the Random Thread-jack rotation again? Seems like only yesterday.

  15. Kind of sad so many comments on this blog are literally blather.

    2 of 2
    : voluble nonsensical or inconsequential talk or writing

  16. Big sale at Amazon, 15-piece Damascus steel knife set, great price. Except let’s roll over the image for a close-up and . . . yep, serrated steak knives. Bastards.

    A serrated knife is nothing more than a cross-cut saw. It’s not for fine dining, it’s for hacking. A real steak knife has a razor edge. It slices with minimum pressure in a single stroke. Okay, yes, it takes a bit of maintenance to obtain and preserve the edge, but let’s get real: this is steak. It deserves a little effort.

  17. No one will be surprised to learn that MN’s own Doctor Mike “we’re all gonna die from covid” Osterholm is now suffering from “long covid.”
    Osterholm was one of the biggest liars in public health during the pandemic, promoting wildly pessimistic models that negatively affected public policy, meaning he urged public health officials to take actions that wasted resources and caused unnecessary harm. Osterholm is now alarmed that many people don’t trust public health officials as much as they used to. He is writing a book on the topic.

  18. Nationwide polls prove nothing. We need polls in the 15 key counties which will decide the election.

    If the polls in Hennepin County showed Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump but on election day went Harris, it would raise eyebrows. What happened? Why were the polls so wrong? Maybe there was something funky going on?

    Since those key counties will decide the election, Trump should focus on them and ignore all the safe/leaning counties because they don’t matter. Only the key counties matter. And we know which ones they are – they’re the same ones that always decide every election.

    Focus on what matters. Might still get cheated out of the win, but we can make it harder for them to hide it.

  19. The edits of Emery’s comments somehow remind me of the recent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. meeting that somehow degenerated into “screaming and polemic farting”. Not quite sure what “polemic farting” might be, but maybe we need to see more of that in politics. (once again, Mel Brooks was ahead of his time…?)

    Regarding the restrictions and penalties a plurality of Democrats and the left want to impose on us, the contrast between that list and the reality that a lot of the same people were A-OK with sending people with COVID into nursing homes.

    To me, it is incredible how badly the left and the Washington establishment bumbled this, to put it politely. They quarantined the healthy instead of the sick, missed that 126nm particles form aerosols when expelled forcefully, ignored natural immunity as a possible solution, ignored alternative therapies, and a lot more.

  20. Someone should index all of the lies which were called conspiracy theories, that later turned out to be true.

    Someone should index all the people that told the lies, then called them conspiracy theories and demanded people be punished for telling the truth.

    Someone should go to those people to ask them whether they now repent, or whether we should publish their home address and phone number, with their wife’s employer and their children’s school address (because the public has right to know).

  21. I think a cloud of freshly hatched mosquitoes rose from the cloudy soup of rAT’s forlorn little mud hole and sucked him dry last night.

    It will take a few quarts of gin to get his fluid levels back to normal.

    Say rAT? Who’s the headliner at the Res casino this weekend…gonna be the Sve brothers from Cloquet again? I hear they’re dynamic. Enjoy those slots, and tip your waitress.

  22. I think a cloud of freshly hatched mosquitoes rose from the cloudy soup of rAT’s forlorn little mud hole and sucked him dry last night.

    It will take a few quarts of gin to get his fluid levels back to normal.

    Say rAT? Who’s the headliner at the Indian casino this weekend…gonna be the Sve brothers from Cloquet again? I hear they’re dynamic. Enjoy those slots, and tip your waitress

  23. I think a cloud of freshly hatched mosquitoes rose from the cloudy soup of rAT’s forlorn little mud hole and sucked him dry last night.

    It will take a few quarts of gin to get his fluid levels back to normal.

    Say rAT? Who’s the headliner at the Indian c@sino this weekend…gonna be the Sve brothers from Cloquet again? I hear they’re dynamic. Enjoy those slots, and tip your waitress

  24. Press release from Pedo Joe’s handlers:

    “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 121 and 12304 of title 10, United States Code, I hereby determine that it is necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command’s area of responsibility.”

    But it can’t be to help Ukraine, because they’re #winnjng, and reclaiming huge swaths of territory with their mighty OffENcIvE…CNN Says so.


    How many trannies are y’all willing to sacrifice to protect buttsex, child trafficking and money laundering?

    Will Milley order the 82nd Rearborn dropped behind enemy lines?

    Right you Uke supporters?

  25. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 07.13.23 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

  26. No event in our life time revealed the true nature of our American society than the voices of rage and division that kneecapped the effort to face COVID. The death rate, the violence, the disinformation and the profiteering were truly eye-opening.

  27. And yet we survived despite the best efforts of Big Govt and Big Pharma to do all the things you mentioned in your last sentence.

  28. No one will be surprised to learn that MN’s own Doctor Mike “we’re all gonna die from covid” Osterholm is now suffering from “long covid.”

    MMP, it is interesting to note that he was not like that at the beginning. I distinctly remember seeing a video of an interview with him on one of the 10pm newscasts where he said “Wearing a mask might help, but it’d be along the lines of the difference between getting hit by a semi truck going 60 miles per hour, vs getting hit by a pickup truck going 60 miles per hour.”

    One of his superiors obviously smacked him upside the head and told him to fall in line. “That’s a nice tenured position and lab grant you’ve got there….be a shame if something happened to them”.

  29. No event in our life time revealed the true nature of our American society than the voices of rage and division that belittled and tyrranized the people who didn’t bow to governmental and societal pressure. The gaslighting, the violence, the shaming and the hatred were truly eye-opening.

    Whee, this is fun!

  30. It seems to me that the most important thing that government can do is to communicate with the public in clean, clear, crisp language about A) The nature of the threat.
    B) The people who are most at risk from this disease.
    C) The activities that are most likely to expose you to this threat.
    D) The best ways to protect yourself and others.

    Avoid politics. Get the media onboard. Do your best to make sure everyone gets the same information.

    Avoid drastic steps such as lockdowns and school closings unless the virus is raging in a particular area. If masks are necessary make sure that everyone, especially those most at risk, has them and knows how and when to use them.

    Some people will not comply. Some people will overreact. That’s human nature.

  31. ^ Fluffy, if you could pull your tongue out of the government’s asshole for just a moment, you’d realize that your whole list of recommendations assumes that the government is not corrupt and incompetent. Both of which some of us suspected before the Kung flu, but now it’s been conclusively proven that government is far more corrupt and incompetent that we ever imagined.

    You and your ilk got your chance and you blew it. You can take your list of recommendations…

  32. Yes, with 20/20 hindsight, all things can be improved on.

    The biggest problem with the US response was having a regime in charge that rejected science, promoted pseudoscience and fake “cures,” and actively sought to spread the virus and make the pandemic as bad as possible, killing over a million people.

    Disinfectants and UV light . . .

  33. “Regime that rejected science”

    You mean, the Trump administration, which triple down on a vaccine effort that Democrats rejected until they took office?

    For the Desantis administration, which under took a policy very close to those observed in Sweden, that was entirely driven by actual science

    Please be specific.

  34. Blather machine set to max again today. What a waste of pixels

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