The Terrorists, Communists, Nazis And King George III Won

There are two kinds of people in the world: people who look at statements like this and think:

And, moreover


“WHAT?  Government doesn’t have a plan for me?  Ehrmuhgerd what will I do?


“Well, good.  That’s why my ancestors came to America; so we could have our own plan and not worry about government’s “plan” for us.

Am I the only one that finds this more than a lot creepy?

Big Left’s greatest achievement may have been convincing a plurality of Americans tthat “freedom” means satiety and freedom from material want in exchange for, y’know, freedom.

Out Of Their Depth

The BIden/Harris administration seems to be slowly figuring out something that most of the rest of the world knew last October 6: Hamas are evil people who don’t want a “deal”, except one that leaves them able to keep killing Jews.

Not that it’s sitting well with them:

They could not get Hamas on board, but that did not stop the president from retreating into what must be the comforting fiction that Benjamin Netanyahu is all that stands between Joe Biden and the Nobel Prize. “No,” Biden said simply when asked if, in the wake of the execution-style murder of six Hamas hostages, including an American citizen, Netanyahu was doing enough to secure a peace deal. And yet, not only had the Israeli government agreed to the conditions Biden floated for a temporary cease-fire back in June, it had agreed to the terms Biden outlined in January, March, April, and May in similar fashion. Know who didn’t? Hamas!

If there is a political strategy in the Biden administration’s performative exasperation, it’s hard to see its value. The White House has cast itself as an impotent, easily dismissed bit player in a drama over which it still maintains it has some control. Even now, the administration seems incapable of admitting to itself what most Americans already know: The terrorists who murder Americans without fear of U.S. reprisal are meting out near-daily embarrassments to the country and its president.

And yet, in her disastrous interview the week before last, Harris’s view was still “We support Israel but there has to be a cease-fire”.

It’s pure delusion.

To be fair, it’s better than Walz’s version:

I’d mock him for running away, but really, Biden and Harris are doing exactly the same thing. 


SCENE:   Governor Walz’s command post van, parked out back of the Minnesota State Fair.  Governor WALZ enters, dressed in his “regular Joe” costume, trailed by Lieutenant Governor FLANAGAN, sans turquoise earrings.  Trailing after in the entourage are the Governor’s press secretary, Moonbeam BIRKENSTOCK, and Lt. Gov. Flanagan’s press aide Cat SCAT.   WALZ’s face is red, causing his eyebrows to stand out like little white flares on a dark night.  Several other staffers, as well as FLANAGAN’s husband, former MPR political reporter and NPR’s MyLyssa SILBERMAN, reporter for National Public Radio’s Saint Paul bureau, covering the “Fake News” and “Diversity” beats, and Betty Rae TORSTENGAARDSEN, a writer at the (possibly fictional) progressive blog ““, and Lac Qui Parle County Dairy Princess in 1987, and voted “most likely to end up as a freelance political writer” by her sorority at U of M Morris in 1992.

WALZ:  What the hell was that?

FLANAGAN:  Weren’t they tooooold of the policy?

BIRKENSTOCK:  It was on the handout (SCAT produces the handout); “The state fair is only about food and baby animals“. 

WALZ:   Then what the hell was this?


BIRKENSTOCK: It was all that out of town media.

WALZ:  Well, what can we do about them? 

SILBERMAN:  What do you mean, “do”?

WALZ:  Can we get rid of them until they know the rules?  I mean, just look at this:

WALZ: I mean, what happened to the reporters who knows the rules? Peggy, what did you do with that guy from Public Minnesota Radio?

FLANAGAN:  Dated and married him? (WEBER gushes).

WALZ:  Can one of you date and marry that woman?

(BIRKENSTOCK and SCAT trade nervous glances)


WALZ:  Look – the Minnesota media knows their place.  What’s it gonna take to get these national people to follow the rules?

SILBERMAN:  I probably shouldn’t be talking here, but playing games with access usually does the trick.

BIRKENSTOCK:  I know, we gotta get in control of that.

TORSTENGAARDSEN:  Or – and this may seem a little radical – you could answer policy questions from the press…

(Everyone in the room looks at TORSTENGAARDSEN as if she’s farted in church)

WALZ:  Get her the hell out of here.

(Security guards and Secret Service pass TORSTENGAARDSEN out of the van like it’s a mosh pit in 1992). 

WALZ:  OK.  Serious discussion here.  National media.  What the hell?  Think, people…


A Warning

Kamala Harris’s choice of Tim Walz for her running mate appears to be hurting her…

in Minnesota:

Only 52% of Minnesota voters see him as an excellent or good choice, with 12% saying he’s a fair selection, and a staggering 34% saying he’s a poor pick.

Walz is underwater with men, with 49% approving of his selection and 50% opposing it. About 40% of male respondents called him a poor choice of running mate.

Voters under the age of 35, a key demographic Harris needs in November, also aren’t enthusiastic: 49% called Walz an excellent or good pick; the other 51% regarded him unfavorably. These voters make up 25% of the anticipated November electorate.

Walz is also one percentage point underwater with parents, with 48% regarding him favorably and 49% panning the pick. Among people with children, 35% say he was a poor selection.

And who knows him better than the people he’s been governing, badly and opaquely, for six years?

The Dem howler monkeys big takeaway from this photo is that they botched the apostrophes.

As one local wag put it…:

What she said.

Leave him at the door, America.

The New Girl On The Beat

There must be a new reporter on the campaign beat. 

Nobody told her – Governor Walz doesn’t answer questions.  Not when asked by Dana Bash in a pre-taped interview…

much less at the state fair, where the media’s job for the six years of. his regime so far has been to ask him about food and fishing, as his social media team takes gauzy photos of him holding piglets and getting fed corn dogs by Peggy Flanagan. 

Nobody told the new girl. And it got awkward:

Friggin’ interlopers. Is nothing sacred?

Insult To Injury

Governor Walz hasn’t done a single substantive interview with a “Journalist” that isn’t throwing him sloppy kisses (Esme Murphy, Jason DeRusha) since before the ’22 election.

But this?

And our erstwhile “fourth estate”, the ones who are supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable?

They’re yukking it up:

Not sure “peak Minnesota” means what Ms. Lopez thinks it means. 


Look, it’s not like I need more reasons not to like Governor Walz. 

He’s fake.  He’s a product of the Democrat propaganda machine.  He’s a wannabe tyrant. 

But more personally?

Listen to this bit here:

I’ll cop to it – I spent a good chunk of my early years in the Twin Cities with a big chip on my shoulder; the city mice were often dicks to the country mice.  And though it’s been over thirty years, I’ve still got a short fuse on the subject. 

So I’m asking rather than declaring; is there a way to listen to that and not hear “you hicks gotta know your place?”

The Minnesota Stealth Tribute

It only took the Strib six, almost seven, months to get around to “correcting” their headline about Gov. and Mrs. Klink’s, uh, “misspeaking” about their infertility treatment:


When in doubt, distrusting the Strib is always appropriate.


Tim Walz loves him some Chinese Communism. 

Well, at the very least he loved it, back when he was teaching kids “social studies”:

There appears to be precious little evidence that he changed anything but  his surface decorations (during 12 years as a “moderate” while campaigning in the rural 1st CD). 

On Behalf Of The Entire Midwest

Dear “Democrat Governors Association”:

Perhaps this isn’t the image  of  “energy” you want to attribute to “the Midwest”:

A couple of obese politburo members with a penchant for authoritarian shenanigans?

Please see to this.

The Entire Midwest

Among Tim Walz’s Many Tall Tales

When Governor Klink and the DFL legislative majority were making the case to squander the “surplus” [1], they put “cutting poverty by 30%” as one of their goals. 

So – how is poverty in Minnesota doing?

Well – we don’t know. 

Official poverty stats conveniently trail real time by a couple of years. 

Official poverty rates trail real time by a couple of years. In 2022, the official poverty rate in MN was 9.6% – up from 9.3% in 2021, and an even 9% in 2020.

So at some point – 2023? 2024? 2025? – the poverty rate needs to drop to 6.4% – a rate the state hasn’t seen in recent memory.

I’m going to go out on a short, sturdy limb and guess the rate isn’t dropping to a historic low next year.  

Any action on that bet?

[1] Which, let’s not forget, wasn’t really a surplus

Walz: Where’s The Beef?

I’ve got a question for the hive mind of this blog.

Yesterday, Governor Klink made perhaps his most, to coin a term, “weird” attack on JD Vance:

Now, what he’s talking about is theWhich brings up the question – does the term “Runza” occur in Minnesota at all?

It’s apparently named after a chain of burger joints in Nebraska

And on that burger joint’s menu is a meat pie.

In North Dakota, it’d be called a Fleischkikla (German-Russian for the German Fleischküchle. In Northeast Minneapolis, it’s a Pierog. There are other names in other languages. They probably have a local term in Ohio that would flummox Klink

But in all my years in Minnesota – admittedly almost none of it in the First CD – I’ve never ever heard the term Runza. 

Am I missing something? 

Or is this literally the dumbest attempt at a dunk that Walz has ever tried?

A 20 Year Parade Of Lies – Prelude

We’ve known it in Minnesota for a while.  But the rest of the nation needs to know. 

Governor Walz has a tenuous relationship with the truth on topic after topic.

I want to put together the ultimate compendium of Tim Walz’s lies. And I need your help .

If you can recall an episode about which the Governor lied, drop it in the comments.  If you’ve got a link to “the receipts”, so much the better.  

I want this to be a resource for everyone who needs to prompt everyone to remember – or learn for the first time – what a, er, creative fella the Governor is. 

Pass the word. 

Walz: Artifice All The Way Down

Long ago, there were a couple of regular-ish commenters who felt the need to reinforce their claims by invoking information “from neighbors” living nearby them, who just happened to be world-class experts on the subject – but couldn’t be named, because they didn’t want to get pelted with questions from people from a blog. So we’d just have to take their word for it. 

It’s easier than looking up data to support your case, and it sounds more credible than just saying “in my opinion, yadda yadda”. 

It comes, I think, from being either being insecure in one’s own capability to hold up their end of the argument, or a need to stretch six square feet of factual tablecloth to over ten square feet of table. 

Governor Walz has been having a week of it.  We talked yesterday about his episode butting his time in the MN Guard up against a trip to Afghanistan he took as a congressman, without adding that little change of context in there. 

But it goes on:

Like Walz, I grew up on the Great Plains.

There are plenty of terms for “a blue-collar or ag-class person from a physically and/or socially isolated place”.

That term is never “Hillbilly”.   That term doesn’t occur organically on the Plains.   It comes via the media (“Beverly…”, “…Elegy”, dozens of country songs), or from the occasional transplant. 

But not organically. 

Walz is trying to appeal to the blue-collar white guy vote with which Harris is incredibly weak, and doing it with all the grace of an Australian break-dancer. 

Under Fire

The Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum is a non-partisan, private museum located inside Camp Ripley, up near Baxter.

It published a book referencing MInnesotans’ involvement in twenty years of the Global War on Terror

It includes Governor Walz’s comments at a 9/11 address the the Capitol.

I’ve screenshot this quote from those remarks:

Let’s forget for a moment that Bagram is in Afghanistan; people flub things when speaking in public. Let’s just let that slide for the moment.

He said “he was in the Guard – and one night, he stood on a ramp at Bagram”.  

Was this yet another cutesy turn of phrase – “I said I was in the Guard, and that I was at a Ramp Ceremony; I didn’t literally say my Guard service and this ceremony intersected, you weird Repubulican”.

But it sure does look like he’s saying he was in the Guard in…er, someplace in action, doesn’t it.


SCENE:  Mitch BERG is boxed in in at a stoplight.  Avery LIBRELLE rides up in between cars on a recumbent e-bike.  BERG ponders getting away over the sidewalk, but figures it’s not quite worth it.

BERG: (dejectedly, resigned to the inevitable). Hey, Aver…

LIBRELLE:  Shut up, Merg. Republicans like you are slandering a good man who served honorably for 24 years in the Minnesota National Guard. 

BERG:  So you dispute…

LIBRELLE:  Shut up!  There is no overriding or exception to the honor that must be bestowed on people who serve .

BERG:  Unless it’s George W Bush.

LIBRELLE:  He was a silver-spooned coward!

BERG:  Right.   (Checks traffic.  No joy).  So, to recap, Governor Walz served…

LIBRELLE:  …with impeccable honor.  For 24 years. 

BERG:  Right. Now – you do realize it’s not me saying this. 

LIBRELLE:  It’s a bunch of political hacks!

BERG:  It’s his battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Kolb:

And it’s his battalion’s chaplain, Captain Bjertness:

The chaplain of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s field artillery regiment said there is no excuse for the Democratic VP pick to have abandoned his National Guard unit before a critical deployment — not even running for Congress.

“In our world, to drop out after a WARNORD [warning order] is issued is cowardly, especially for a senior enlisted guy,” retired Capt. Corey Bjertness, now a pastor in Horace, North Dakota, told The Post.

Bjertness, 61, was the chaplain for the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, of which Walz was command sergeant major before retiring in 2005, two months before the unit deployed to Iraq. Walz has said he did so to run for Congress, and he was elected the next year.

And it’s the guy who replaced him as the Command Sergeant Major at the virtual last minute before they went overseas.

“He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘Screw you’ to the United States. That’s not who I would pick to run for vice president,” Thomas Behrends, one of the retired officials who signed the letter, told the New York Post on Tuesday.

They have between them, if I’m doing my math correctly, a bare minimum of 55 years of honorable service among them.

Does that not make their point of view not merely dispositive, but above reproach? 

By your logic?

LIBRELLE:  (Looks around, quietly rides away).  

BERG:  Recumbents look stupid…



I didn’t know this until this morning-  but Governor Klink still has a House of Representatives twitter account.  

It’s in effect a zombie account, but it’s out there.  

And as of this 0445 this morning, it’s still “mis-speaking” for the Governor: 

It’s all right there – for the time being, at least.  

If he “misspoke”, he’s been doing it for a very long time.  

Gwen Antoinette

Now that Tim Walz is enjoying the first of his fifteen minutes, it’s high time we revisit some of his greatest hits.

Here’s Gwen Walz – who seems more and more like a Jill Biden character lately, and that’s not a good thig – talking about her, uh, odd perspective on the 2020 riots:

As someone who didn’t need to leave any windows open to smell the smoke – it came from three blocks away – I want to make sure this clip sees a nice, wide audience. 

In His Own Words

So, Governor and Veep Candidate Walz supports censorship of “misinformation” (which is defined by his sycophants in the media) and “hate speech”, which is defined by…him.

I’m gonna guess this gets called “hateful misinformation”.

One heartbeat away from the presidency, if America doesn’t wise up this fall.

Just To Be Clear…

I’m just a little bit overjoyed that Kamala Harris selected Tim Walz. 

How do I put this?  Tim Walz is Bernie Sanders in an Elmer Fudd costume. 

Kamala Harris felt the need, for whatever reason – we’ll come back to that – to to whatever sliver of the Democrat Party that is to her left, to a governor of a state that is only academically in play.

I’d been thinking Josh Shapiro was a lock – there’d even been some “congrats” videos “leaked” last weekend of various Democrat dignitaries congratulating Shapiro. 

He would have been a formidable choice.  That, too, we’ll come back to.

Walz?  He’s got baggage.  And I”m going to keep reminding the world of that baggage:

So – why not Shapiro?

Because he’s a JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, and the Democrat party has a bit of an antisemitism problem.   They don’t want Chicago looking like, well, Lake Street. 

Anyway – to all the Dems chanting “Hahaha!  He’s America’s fun uncle!  Cope!”, I say “his place on the ticket is all the ‘cope’ I need, thank you very much”. 

So it’s Walz:

Bring on the fall!

UPDATE: Ben Shapiro captures a lot of what I’ve been thinking: