Rational Melancholy

Look –  polls three years before an election are meaningless.  I doubt Reagan was doing all that well in April of 1982, to pick a pointed example, and we all know how that turned out.

As we get closer to the Presidential election, incumbency, a full-court press by a biased mainstream media and the GOP’s lack, to this point, of a barn-burner candidate may well even things out for Obama, if things don’t go even further south (as they very well may).

But today’s Gallup results show that maybe, just maybe, P Americans are waking up and finding that they spent 2008 with electoral beer goggles, and they’re not crazy about what they woke up with, and they’re starting to gnaw their arm off to get away, just maybe:

Americans anxious about unemployment and the economy increasingly blame President Obama for hard times, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, amid signs of turbulence in November’s midterm elections.

Last week’s jubilant signing of the health care overhaul, Obama’s signature domestic initiative, seems to have given the president little boost. Instead, his standing on four personal qualities has sagged, and 50% of those surveyed say he doesn’t deserve re-election.

“People are still hurting; a lot of people are still struggling, and I think a lot of what we’re seeing in the polls reflects people’s views on the economy,” says Rep. Chris Van Hollen, head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Note to the GOP:  betting on  your opponent to “keep screwing up” is not a “strategy”.  Get out of the lesbian strip clubs and get a message together.

That is all.

6 thoughts on “Rational Melancholy

  1. “Get out of the lesbian strip clubs and get a message together.”

    Are you still complaining about lack of agenda by Betty McCallum?

  2. Also, hoping for a bad economy is not a winning startegy. The free market forces are very strong and will probably lead to a moderate recovery over the next couple of years. Republicans need to get the word out about things like:

    -Massive debt
    -EPA regulating carbon dioxide
    -Dozens of new regulation bills that strangle businesses
    – Race quotas/lawsuits (think “desparate impact”)

    That sort of thing.

  3. hoping for a bad economy is not a winning startegy.


    Contrasting whatever recovery we get from with an Obama-hobbled economy with the one we got in 1984 from lowering taxes and cutting regulation might be useful.

  4. I’m all for getting the message out that the path we are on is unsustainable, but “Get out of the lesbian strip clubs and get a message together?” That’s just crazy talk.

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