Oh, Great

A South Korean navy/coast guard ship has sunk in an area that both Koreas have been fighting over for the past sixty years.  Nobody’s ruled out a North Korean torpedo attack yet:

The ship, on a routine patrolling mission with 104 crew members on board, began sinking off the coast of South Korean-controlled Baengnyeong Island close to North Korea around 9:45 p.m. (1245 GMT, 9:45 a.m. EDT), an official at the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with department policy.

South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported an explosion in the rear of the 1,200-ton ship and said the military had not ruled out the possibility of an attack by North Korea. However, the military official said the exact cause was not immediately clear and said he could not confirm the Yonhap report.

As this is written, only half the crew is accounted for. 

Rumors that the Obama Administration is planning to respond by apologozing for the arrogant landings at Inchon are strictly unconfirmed.

19 thoughts on “Oh, Great

  1. I have no doubt Barack Obama, the Greatest President Ever will take a firm stance on this and promis the North Koreans free health care.

  2. “This shows the failures of the previous administration”
    “Look, I am going to call a meeting to discuss this”

  3. Did any of you noticde that South Korea, the country to whom the ship belonged, is not at all sure that North Korea had anything whatsoever to do with the sinking?

    If Obama waits to find out how the South Koreans wish to proceed with the loss of their ship, and their country’s response, instead of issuing a lot of uniformed and beelicose rhetoric, I think that would be just wonderful.

  4. Lighten up, Francis…I mean, DG.

    This is merely some flippant Friday satire at the expense of our favorite tyrannical demagogue (note: not “ronery” jong il). It calls for a Humor Check, not a Fact Check, though admittedly both can be rather subjective.

  5. Lighten up, Francis…I mean, DG.

    No kidding. You really don’t want to be the Margaret Dumont of the blogosphere, do you?

  6. Wait. Night Writer, are you suggesting Dog Gone is capable of picking up on written satire? That’s like suggesting cats are capable of doing long division.

  7. Did any of you noticde that South Korea, the country to whom the ship belonged, is not at all sure that North Korea had anything whatsoever to do with the sinking?

    They have the world’s largest (per capita) military poised at a permanent war footing 30 miles from Seoul. They are going to measure their words very carefully, no matter what happened. Justifiably so.

    If Obama waits to find out how the South Koreans wish to proceed with the loss of their ship, and their country’s response, instead of issuing a lot of uniformed and beelicose rhetoric, I think that would be just wonderful.

    I’ll nod to the other respondents. It’s satire, based on the current occupant’s record so far.

  8. The Margaret Dumont of the blogosphere. Heh. “I once shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I’ll never know.”

  9. Well, Obama didn’t say “Bring it on”; Obama did say “Go for it.”

    But surely this is of Bachmann’s doing.
    Does Congressman Tom Perriello’s website have any accusations of Bachmann’s involvement? Maybe the St. Petersburg Times has a story on teh Crazzee eyes sinking the ship?

  10. Good humor there–if only DG could get it.

    Regarding the ship, I’m guessing a mine or internal explosion. Modern torpedoes are designed to sink aircraft carriers. This ship was 1000 tons, 1% as heavy as a carrier, and was sunk from the bottom in four hours.

    On the other hand, if it was the new torpedo of the North Koreans, then they’ve just heavily embarassed themselves…..

  11. Clearly this is our fault for not letting North Korea invade the south so they can be united as a great socialist country and do away with that pesky thing called democracy. Maybe they could take some tips from the Obama Administration because it seems like our government seems to have a lot more in common with the northern govt than the south govt. And its also the South Koreans fault for running into the torpedo that was fired.
    And I’m pretty sure this is how Obama and company will handle any negociations

  12. I got the satire; just didn’t agree with it as being particularly funny, given some people died, and another South Korean ship is supposed to have fired towards North Korea, and more conflict wouldn’t be helpful.

    The Obama apology line was kind of stale, given the humor Mitch can write. I thought maybe something about Obama sending Clinton to help would have been a little funnier, after the two reporters Clinton rescued from incarceration…..

  13. I was thinking Jimmy Carter. In a big green submarine built by Habitat for Humanity.

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