As I noted the other day, I support an independent Ukraine.
But there’s an elephant in the proverbial room that is the European continent – and it makes sense, historically, that it falls to a Pole to point it out:
Not only does Western Europe outnumber Russia by almost the same margin by which Russia outnumbers Ukraine – but the combined NATO/EU economies are roughly eight times the size of Russia’s.
That is literally every single factor that they need in place to deter Russia back behind its borders and learning some manners…
…if they decide to muster any of that economic power and, more importantly, social will do do it.
Which, outside of Poland, the Baltics, Czechia and (socially) Hungary, I just don’t see, barring some AfD/UKIP revolution in coming years.
In the meantime, EU is spending more money on gas from Russia than they do supporting Ukes. What muster? Who’s got whose balls? Nuclear power plants in EU? How long will that take, even if they started building today? Oh wait, cannot do it in the dark and without power since Vlad controls Bartertown. In the meantime, Kermit will get his wish – Ukraine will fight to the last Ukranian. Oh, wait, only the last Ukranians who did not leave Ukraine by the thousands so they do not have to fight. Kermit is so over his head (not hard given his stature) he WILL cause WWIII as his want. Kermit is completely divorced from reality along with his libturd droogz.
I am also for free and independent Ukraine, but I also live in a real world and want people to stop dying. And before you call me a Vlad stooge, I hate both the same.
I’m also in favor of a free and independent Ukraine. I wish them a safe and prosperous future. Not just them, all of Europe, and the Middle East, and Southeast Asia – best of luck to all of you.
You’re on your own.