Battlespace Preparation I

Joe Doakes, formerly of Como Park, emails:

We should start warning people now to expect bad news so they’re not upset and disheartened when it comes

We’ve known for years that Biden was senile but everybody in the establishment, administration and media lied to us to hide it.   We know they tried to blame the price of eggs on Trump when they are the ones who killed all the chickens. We know they are liars. Keep that in mind.

Every quarter the Biden administration triumphantly released figures showing the Biden economy was growing and there were record numbers of new hires.  And every quarter they would quietly release a few revisions and corrections which showed that there were practically no hires and if you discount the lies, the economy was in a recession heading for depression.

 It’s going to get worse. Economists talk about gross domestic product as a measure of success of the economy but one of the numbers in the formula to calculate GDP is government spending. Take out the 2 trillion dollars of fraud and waste that Elon Musk’s team has identified and the problem will be obvious. We’re definitely in a recession and have been for years, probably a depression. 

 Get ready for headlines screaming Trump depression, Trump ruins economy, worst economy in years.  No, it’s an honest look at the economy.  And now that we have the real figures, we can start making changes necessary to fix it. 

Get ready.  It’s coming.

Joe Doakes


Two more parts to come.  I’ll save my comments for after Part III.

One thought on “Battlespace Preparation I

  1. We technically had been in a recession for quite some time. But nevermind Economy 101 indicators, Libturds and MSM (ptr) moved the goalposts that there is no recession unless it had been declared. See how that works? If it is not declared, it does not exist. Simple. Elegant. Now, of course, just like Blue States sudden discovery of federalism, Libturds and MSM (ptr) will discover Economy 101 tenets and shout it from the rooftops. Par for the course, it is in their palybook.

    Now, if Libturds and MSM (ptr) can cover up the recession, I wonder how they will cover up history, now that it is slowly starting to emerge from the shadows. Let’s just say it is a safe bet PIC will not be getting a Nobel Peace Prize. I wonder, however, if he and his cabal can be prosecuted for war crimes. The only time I will be 100% behind ICC. Here is the justification for prosecution, read on about 2/3 down the article:

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