Correcting The Record

Last week, we talked about Gene Pelowski (DFL, HD26B) about his reservations about the DFL’s trifecta.

Now, retired GOP Senate leader (in both the majority and minority) Paul Gazelka is publishing a book about Tim Walz.

And it‘s not a flattering look (emphasis added):

During his time leading the Minnesota Senate, Gazelka had a front row seat to observe Gov. Walz’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 riots that occurred in Minneapolis, and many other facets of Walz’s time in office. As such, Gazelka has written a book documenting the “daily battles” he fought with Gov. Walz.

“Now that Governor Walz has been elevated to the national ticket, I believe I have a duty to inform the nation’s voters about Walz’s failed leadership record,” the former majority leader said in a statement. “For that reason, I moved up the release of my book that chronicles Walz’s missteps handling the pandemic, freezing under pressure during the George Floyd riots, mishandling the state budget and more.”

This oughtta be good.

Why yes, I will be interviewing the Senator on my show. Saturday, 2PM.

Hope you can tune in.

2 thoughts on “Correcting The Record

  1. I get it, it’s hard to be the leader of a minority party composed of squishes and wannabes, all afraid of getting bad press for opposing Bad Ideas.

    And yes, it’s great that some Republicans spoke out against some Bad Ideas from tme to time. Not just in the legislature – bloggers wrote scathing posts and the local think tank produced White Papers – so yes, people on The Right did pitch in to argue against Bad Ideas. I just think it would have been better still if Republicans in the legislature had stopped the Bad Ideas. But how? We’re not the majority, we can’t stop the Democrats from enacting Bad Ideas. What can we do? We’re frozen out of power.

    Decades ago, I went to a precinct caucus in Central Minnesota. The incumbent legislator for that area showed up to give a campaign stump speech seeking support. His theme: Vote For Me and I’ll Vote No.

    When the Democrats want to raise your taxes, I’ll vote No.
    When the Democrats want to waste your hard-earned dollars, I’ll vote No.
    When the Democrats want to give certain people special privileges, I’ll vote No.
    When the Democrats want . . . and he stopped speaking, looked at us in the crowd, and we all yelled “Vote NO.” He was re-elected in a landslide.

    That’s what we needed. Someone to Vote No. Vote No and keep voting NO, on every bill, on every proposal, even if it means shutting down the state government again, until Democrats come to the table to honestly negotiate.

    Sure, Democrats will bundle one Good Idea with a hundred Bad Ideas just so the media can claim “Senator X voted against children” and “Representative Y voted against more police” and “Republicans voted against YOU.” So what? They’re going to say that, anyway, you deplorables, you bitter clingers, you hateful racists.

    As well hung for a sheep as for a lamb. Shut the whole damned thing down and leave it shut down until Democrats can’t stand it anymore. They have more to lose than we do.

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