The Minnesota Prototype

Seen on Twitter:

If someone on the Trump campaign doesn’t turn this into a bumper sticker, it deserves to lose.

But it brought me back to something I talked about on the air the other day.

Hear me out.

The Minnesota Model

See how Kamala Harris has been campaigning?

  • Evading all questioning
  • Avoiding policy discussions
  • Being as vague and gauzy as possible about the bits of policy they do talk about
  • Slopping the public trough with an endless diet of soft-focus social media
  • Letting the opposition research staff and media (pardon the redundancy) do the hard work?

Look familiar?

If you live in Minnesota, it should.  The Democrats have been trial-running this strategy since at least 2018. 

Do you remember Tim Walz and Peggy Flanagan ever talking about policy?

Other than soft-focus platitudes about “fully funding education”, “reducing poverty 30%”, “sending kids to school with full bellies” (puke), “One Minnesota!”, and even abortion policy?

The only record the Walz/Flanagan regime will leave to historians is the endless river of social media posts, dripping with platitudes and set-piece photos of Walz in his “regular guy” costume doing “regular guy” stuff, holding piglets and hugging kids and getting fed Pronto Pups by the Lieutenant Governor. 

Ditto Angie Craig, whose only public persona is the biennial off-road rally she throws in that stupid black Jeep. 

If you’re looking at Harris/Walz’s national campaign and not feeling deja vu, I’d love to know why. 

If Trump manages to win, and the DFL takes some setbacks, maybe the “Minnesota Model” of campaigning – evade questioning (or count on the media not bothering to ask them), slop the trough with an endless diet of gauzy social media holding piglets and being “brat” – will start reachind the end of its fifteen minutes.

4 thoughts on “The Minnesota Prototype

  1. First, Angie Craig. There’s a special circle of hell waiting for her following her latest hit piece on Joe Tierab. She used a pregnant doctor to complain that Joe doesn’t like abortion and wants to see it end in this country. At least Angie won’t be lonely for eternity, that “doctor” will keep her company “downstairs.” It’s really too bad doctors don’t actually take their Hippocratic Oath to heart.
    As I’ve previously called it, they are running a Blank Slate Campaign. Even when asked a simple direct question, they word salad their way to filibustering the question. Harris was asked a foreign policy question at the National Association of Black Journalists, and her response was all about how important the organization is. The question was “forgotten.”

  2. I play golf with my Dad once a week. I used to call him a “glass closet Republican.” He’d find some place on his ballot to vote for a non-Republican so he could claim he always votes split ticket. Now he will be voting Party Line Democrat despite claiming he disagrees with the DFL because he’s drunk the anti-Trump Kool-Aide.
    Last week he tried to bring up Trump’s “inaccuracies” during the Debate. It’s Trump. The man bloviates and exaggerates regularly. But sometimes he is spot on correct despite the fact checkers saying that the sky isn’t blue because Trump has to be wrong.
    So I asked him about Harris’ “inaccuracies.”
    “What lies?”
    “In short, most everything that wasn’t word salad, but here’s a few off the top of my head…”

    I really don’t want a Harris Administration to be as bad as I expect for the Country, but if it is, I’m going to be crowing, “I [bleeping] told you so, damnit!!” the entire time.

  3. Thanks for that, SSC. Very interesting is a sad way (for me anyway). My defining choice of any politician, if possible, is their policies or comments about existing policies. I really don’t care if they’re nice or handsome or someone I’d like to have a beer with. I know I shouldn’t be but it shocked me when you described someone who is (apparently) my complete opposite.

    I’m also sad that I know that Trump will never be allowed to be president – the opaqueness of that sentence is intentional. Let your imagination go.

  4. Yea, the annual parade of alleged former Republicans that are now voting for Angie, because she bucked her party and fought the drug companies.

    Now, Senator Vanilla Fluff has a bunch of actors talking about how she tackled drug prices.

    Despite their “fights”, neither has addressed the fentanyl crisis at the border, a lot of which ends up in their backyards. I feel bad for the woman that lost her son to it, but she’s giving undeserved praise to one of the indirectly responsible people.

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